COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Well, we finally know what Emily Lolster was up to with hospital data. It was fuel for this COVID denier bit posted on (where else) Substack. You need to read it to get the whole picture, but lol at this part:

What keeps me up at night at the moment is hospitals. And, in particular, the worry that the overwhelming of hospitals will get much worse.

It’s real mask-off stuff! This bit too:

This situation is scary. A coordinated federal or state response will be necessary to figure out where we need to send more staff, including possible National Guard help.

Wildly irresponsible.

She’s acting in such bad faith that she even says she’s not trying to minimize the severity of the situation:

It is important to emphasize that much of the reason to get these better data is to help hospital systems and health-care workers and to better manage the pandemic. The reason is not to understate the crisis facing hospitals at the moment.

Ha, “my ‘we need better data to coordinate an effective response to the hospitalization crisis, not to minimize the severity of said crisis’ shirt is raising questions already answered by the shirt”! Of course, we know what’s really going on here.


What utter bullshit

I mean calling this a “pro-COVID” piece feels like a wild overreaction based purely on who is writing it and having very little to do with the content of the piece.

We can do better.

As usual, one set of rules for rich people, one set of rules for everyone else.

Cool, Walmart cancelled my order for 6 rapid tests that I ordered on 12/30 and was going to pick up today.

Why? Because I didn’t pick them up in time. Even though my confirmation says:

Order date: Thu, Dec 30, 2021

Yes, your pickup order is ready!

Great news, Spidercrab - order XXXXXX is prepped and waiting. Remember to pick up your items by Tue, Jan 4
Please check in before you head to the store, so we’re ready for a speedy handoff.

Am I wrong? Isn’t it completely ridiculous to say that “Pick up your items by January 4” actually means “Pick up your items before January 4”?

And obviously they’re out of stock everywhere now.

And my wife and I just got this text from our daughter on her first day back at school:


I’m just exhausted - I don’t have the capacity to constantly be this angry.


In that circumstance I’m getting a text of the positive test from my daughter and marching straight to the school with a decent chance of getting arrested. I’m a massive wimp but that’s beyond outrageous.


My wife is now eligible for a booster because they adjusted the timeframe to five months, not six. I’ve checked the websites of every vaccine site within 10 miles and they all still won’t let you signup unless it’s been six months.

Great system we have here.


Nah, Im not getting arrested, just showing up with counsel.

I mean at some point this type of activity has to sustain a negligence lawsuit if people get sick, right?


Same with me and getting my 13 year old a booster before going back to school. I just made him a few years older during the signup process, I will be surprised if they won’t give it to him when we get there.

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Blaming Omicron on a lab leak is a fun twist. More incredible scholarship from the good folks at Substack.

Your commitment to her after her entire approach is blowing up in our faces is truly remarkable. Remember when Covid didn’t spread in schools? Good times.


Bob is being sarcastic, as he was a big supporter of Osters work. No one has called that piece a pro Covid work

The second picture is interesting re: Omicron vs Delta. It makes it pretty clear that the decline in Delta cases to date is largely due to people being more cautious due to Omicron, not cross-immunity. That presumably will change as we start seeing mass Omicron infections.

How so? It could just be omicron outcompeting delta

Are you accusing her of creating the Omicron variant? And does it count as a lab leak if it came from a behavioral econ lab?

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Oh so you’re going with delta alpha and original didn’t spread in schools? Well, that retcon should be fun to deal with later.

R0 of delta was around 5 but schools are a magical zone where respiratory viruses don’t spread. Btw rsv is everywhere despite a much lower R0. Weird.


We are living in a complete hellscape