COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I thought it was accepted knowledge that Omicron provides immunity to Delta.

How much and for how long still sort of tbd. Some favorable early studies, but certainly wouldn’t guarantee the unvaxxed infected with omicron have long lasting immunity to delta for starters.

As expected PCR test taken yesterday was negative.

Somehow made it out of America without COVID.


Clearly we need to dissect you to understand this. Sorry. Science needs your sacrifice.


20%? That’s pretty insane for asymptomatic testing. I think we could hit 5% sometime during the current wave, but our school is really well vaccinated, and even 5% is a crazy positivity rate for asymptomatic tests.

I dunno, it seems obvious that schools are going to be disrupted somewhat when people are actually sick, especially if the substitute shortage continues, and that seems unavoidable. It’s precautionary closures and closures intended to make up for risk-taking elsewhere that are really pernicious.

Obviously, the kid I mentioned here:


continues to attend school unmasked.

The Australian Government considers people to be fully vaccinated after their final vaccine dose. Most vaccines require 2 doses at least 14 days apart, however they will accept a single shot of the J&J vaccine. If Djokovic took the J&J vaccine he would instantly be fully vaccinated according to the Australian government,

Public shaming is in order.


? Are these different from the at-home tests we use in the US?

No idea what you use in the US.

Collect from both nostrils, swill the Q-tip into the clear liquid reagent and put 3 drops of it into some part of the test which is held in place by white plastic.

Mine turned red which meant it was negative.

He thinks that the gluten in bread makes him sick even if he doesn’t ingest it, you merely have to hold the bread up against his body and he becomes sick. I’m not kidding, he is this stupid.

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Has anyone contacted school administration. This is absolutely insane.

Dude is Pozzed.


And nobody ever defend this asshole here ever again pls.


My wife talked to the vice principal and also passed this along to the school board member she knows. I’m livid, but it’s not actually clear to me who has the power to do anything. Can a school force a child to take a covid test, or expel a student from the school grounds based on a rumored positive test?

I mean, if the school/district actually wanted to do something, I’m sure they would. But our trash district doesn’t actually want to do anything except ignore it.

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Where is this? In LA I’m pretty sure the county health department would get involved. And yeah they wouldn’t kick the kid out based on him shooting his mouth off in class (it is definitely possible he was talking shit), but they’d investigate at least.

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This is true as a rule of individual decision-making only. In real-world collective decision-making processes, you can’t just naively choose between two alternatives based on your preferences, or you’ll be vulnerable to exploitation. (See here.) An extreme illustration is hostage-taking. If you’ll pay any ransom to get your hostage back alive, you end up paying a lot of ransoms and, even worse, encourage people to take hostages from you. Tolerating a situation where schools are treated as the circuit-breaker of first resort creates more school closures and encourages people to take more risks with the expectation that someone else will help mitigate the consequences.


I think it’s great that libertarians are now big fans of public education.


Yeah I was sort of floored by it myself, and its a highly vaccinated/freshly vaccinated school too. Maybe some sort of error in their reporting where symptomatic tests are being mixed in or something, but I know roughly 30% of the on campus pools were positive and you werent supposed to be there if symptomatic. Even assuming some compliance leaks, goddamn.

Kind of why Im skeptical this is going to work. Doesnt even have anything to do with school spread or anything like that, just going to run out of bodies to teach school and have a huge portion of the school remote/unavailable anyways.

I did check, it is Montgomery county using a similar metric and that went from like 11 schools over the threshold to like 120. They are keeping most of them open for now, but I just dont think it holds.

My kids school is trying to open today, but I expect getting past the next school testing day will be challenging. The preschool my other kid goes to has half the cohorts closed and is probably one more teacher poz/quarantine away from full shutdown.

Hopefully this wont be as disruptive for as long as 2020/2021 in high vax areas, but the next 4-8 weeks just seem like too much COVID to work.

Lol. A year.

We are going to start seeing presidential primary advertisements as soon as the midterms are over