COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

No, I’m not taking the position that schools are a magical zone where viruses cannot spread. I reject that view whole-heartedly. I somehow got confused when you said “her entire approach is blowing up in our faces” as a reference to the current situation that’s blowing up in our faces, when clearly you meant things that happened months ago. I will do better in the future.

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One more day of this shit and then no more work for 7 weeks. Let me dodge this bullet one more time.


I dont think it shows cross-immunity. Thats a key question for the future, but thats different than Omicron just outcompeting Delta.

I agree with you, I actually took the chart as a relatively small piece of good news since we arent having two waves and I dont think the crowd most susceptible to Delta is likely being that much more cautious. Maybe Im thinking about it wrong though, so curious what Im missing.

Look at the upside - by the time they make it through the line, these likely infected people will have been self isolating for 14 days. #TeamQueue.


Im honestly surprised they havent tried to cancel/shorten your paternity leave, at least unofficially. Hopefully means you work for a good place, but staffing challenges going to get so out of control that I expected them to push for shorter.

Oh we had someone have a major heart attack, so we’re hit even harder.

I work for a good private group, not the hospital, so I don’t think I’ll get pulled in.

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There’s a similar pattern in Washington, although it’s harder to see with the stacked bar charts.

Those folks in Brockton just need to unwind their testing psychology, imo…

Downplaying testing while standing in front of a banner promoting “Early Treatment” (presumably in the form of monoclonials that are in short supply, especially the ones that work best against Omicron) is quite the look.


I think Im missing something very basic about what you are seeing in these charts. I see Omicron outcompeting delta, why do you think the decline in delta is behavioral?

Well I was hoping some of the smart PhD people on here could pick it apart. The author lists the credentials of everyone he quotes. So saying it’s a substack is missing the point. Pretty sure sources like substack were saying masks work before the CDC was.

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The way viruses compete with each other is by infecting susceptible potential hosts and making the hosts immune to the other virus (or dead). So even if Omicron is growing much faster than Delta at a given point of time, the effect on Delta’s growth rate from the competition is proportional to the absolute number of people who’ve gotten Omicron and become immune to Delta as a result. In particular, very early on when you have just a few hundred Omicron cases (some of which are presumably breakthroughs/reinfections in Delta-immune people), it just doesn’t make sense that those few hundred cases have any effect on Delta.

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His argument is literally “it doesn’t look natural.” I’m not going to waste time picking apart every substack crank unless they bring more than thag to the table.

The author links to a Science article that does into detail how this variant could have arisen, just read that.

OK, I see what you are saying. I dont think its that clean, but I see what are you getting at now, thank you.

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He quotes a ton of other PhDs that say the level of evolution makes no sense for natural. Also the fact that it might have come from a mouse raises suspicion.

I mean from everything I’ve heard, there are a ton of weird things about omicron that don’t seem to line up.

Maybe @ChrisV can go down a rabbit hole on this one. Although he doesn’t like it when I expect him to go down a rabbit hole. So I will ask very nicely and hope reverse reverse psychology works.

Teachers are absolutely powerless in America, eh?

Not that they’re powerful anywhere but that’s embarrassingly bad.

My school has been hit with enough COVID that a couple of classes are willingly sitting out while waiting for their test results. So far, a half dozen out of 16 in one of my groups tested positive.

Not looking forward to going back on Thursday.

OK but the Science article also quotes multiple Ph.Ds explaining several ways it could evolve. It’s a good read.

Like, the only thing ever supporting a lab leak was the suspicious proximity of the Wuhan lab, are we positing that there’s a secret lab in South Africa deviously engineering highly non-lethal strains?

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If these substacks had a little more sinophobic hysteria they would be indistinguishable from the oranges of covid UP thread.

suzzer, that substack has an anti-trans article and another one both-sidesing Kyle Rittenhouse. C’mon.

Ok sorry. I didn’t notice that.

I don’t think it’s in bad faith to say “hey, this article points out that we would normally expect to find like 20x more silent mutations than we’ve actually found in this virus, is there an explanation there?”. The answer should either be pointing out that the facts are wrong (no actually there are more silent mutations than that, he’s just lying or no it’s actually not unusual to find so few) or providing a hypothesis to explain it. Like, you guys think Suzzer is secretly trying to feed us conservative propaganda or what?

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