COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I hope James Lankford has a fundraising event I can show up to unmasked tonight

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I just donā€™t have it in me to debunk every internet theory, especially in the context of the always idiotic lab creation/lab leak theory discussion from earlier.

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In red states, they are actively spit upon. In blue states, they have bare minimum power via unions and rich white folks resent them for it while they jack off working from home (see Matt Yglesias).

If heā€™s talking about testing asymptomatic people then yeah I kind of agree. People without symptoms are not going to really be candidates for early treatment regardless of the test results, right? But then symptomatic people should get tested ASAP so they can get early treatment. Maybe Iā€™m wrong and they put high risk asymptomatic people on treatments even if theyā€™re asymptomatic, I donā€™t know. But if they donā€™t then thereā€™s no tension between saying donā€™t test people who feel fine and act aggressively with early treatments.

Quite the opposite, itā€™s likely that therapeutics coming down the pipeline are more effective the earlier you take them.

And yes, we do this.

Some interesting tidbits in here. Tied with work calls so canā€™t investigate today.

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Could also be that Delta just peaked naturally and would have had the same downward slope regardless.

Do we even know if the school knows?

Youā€™ve got an attorney at the ready for this stuff?

Of course I donā€™t think suzzer is acting in bad faith or pushing any agenda. Iā€™m also more willing than many here to consider evidence for lab-linked theories and in general Iā€™m not a fan of dismissing an article just because the author has questionable opinions on other subjects.

But in this case that substack just ticks off too many BS checkmarks for me and I feel pretty confident I can ignore whatever it says. If there is anything at all to what it says Iā€™m sure it will bubble back up through more credible outlets.


Not on retainer or anything, but I could find my way to one if I needed to relatively quickly. My point is just going to school and screaming at people isnt going to accomplish as much as showing up with a lawyer.


I donā€™t think we can yet say what is simple competition (just spreading faster) vs something more complex (blocking immunity, higher ability to infect vaxxed/boostered folks). Iā€™m confident all these are factors, but what is dominant is a guess.

Allā€”Speculate away, but please label as such.

Iā€™m still confused about why any of this is needed. How do we know that the school knows?

Your mileage may vary on this tip. But GoPuff through UberEats has come through for me for ordering Binax rapid tests, when no other places in town had anything available.

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My wife called the school nurse to pass along this information. The nurse said they already knew about the story and hung up. Without taking my wifeā€™s or daughterā€™s name, or infirmation about the classroom. I get that the nurse is probably overwhelmed and exhausted, and maybe she legitimately had heard this story multiple times already. But the response didnā€™t fill us with confidence.


Iā€™ll let the medical professionals talk to the treatment protocols, my point was a more general one about how they were encouraging people to be proactive about getting treatment once infected while downplaying a step that could proactively stop infections in the first place. I"m coming from the perspective that:

  1. If we were in a completely unconstrained testing environment, it is probably a net benefit to catch presymptomatic / asymptomatic cases so that they can take steps to reduce spread by limiting social interactions. [I know weā€™re not in an unconstrained environment, but stick with me].

  2. Since testing is constrained (and because most testing does involve some amount of time, money, and/or discomfort) Iā€™m guessing that most of the asymptomatic cases were not just discovered because some healthy 25 year old who only interacts with other healthy 25 year olds just woke up one morning and decided to take a test. Iā€™d imagine most people are getting tested because they had a reason like close contact with someone who was pozzed, about to visit a higher-risk family member, were about to get medical treatment, etc. These are precisely the asymptomatic cases you want to catch because they are high leverage scenarios where (a) catching the case in time to change behavior and limit spread to vulnerable populations and (b) the behavior wouldnā€™t have changed without the test because the person feels fine (as opposed to a symptomatic person who might change plans due to illness even without the test).

In other words, treatment is primarily useful on a personal level to limit the severity of that specific case. Testing may also help on an individual level, but, imo, itā€™s real strength is when viewed as a tool to reduce community spread by letting asymptomatic folks know their status. And public health officials who downplay the community good in favor of focusing on the individualistic messaging arenā€™t doing the right thing in my book.


Assuming they sent the kid home, what Iā€™d do is take the @anon12304106 route, get an attorney, and file a suit against the other kids parents. I fully realize that the case is a loser, but Iā€™d do it out of spite. Iā€™m generally a frugal person, but when it comes to this sort of stuff, Iā€™ll splurge.

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I was assuming they didnt send the kid home and was more looking at what would be most effective to get the school to put in somewhat rational policies.

Is this a level?

Maybe I was unclear. First, we need to know for sure that the school knows. After that, doing what the others suggested is completely fine. So, Iā€™d just call the school first before going full Riverman or LG2.

As it stands now, since we got hung up on, Iā€™d probably make a couple more calls and if I get no better response, then I would probably take the Riverman approach and head down there. I canā€™t get an attorney as quick as LG2.

Yeah, if the kid isnā€™t already out of the building, then I think your approach is the best. I couldnā€™t get an attorney that fast, so Iā€™d just go myself.