COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Yeah that won’t be fun. I’m considering getting weekly tests to make sure if I do catch it, I know early and if not it might improve my mental state.

I’m also reminding myself that it’s not that much more risky than a lot of other jobs that put 5-10 people in a room with masks, and it’s not like they’re all getting pozzed constantly.

Will do.

Thanks. It’s a weird calculation financially. I could go a long time before I’m broke, but after about March I’d have to come back at a lower stake where I can’t find a private game and would have to grind 2/5 for 30+ hours a week in a casino. It seems like this risk (2-3 times a month, ~8 hours each time, 7 handed, masks required, people who are following that rule, ventilated room) is way less than I would expect by waiting and cranking out volume in March.

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Sorry to hear man. Hope you beat it quick. I also wouldn’t feel bad. You probably took more precautions than 90% of your peers, you just ran bad. The rate we are going more of us are going to get it.


I think I see what you’re getting at, but I don’t think this means you can’t use it as an estimate. I’ll cop to skimming it at work, but still seems like a valuable piece of data to me, even if antibodies fade

Also, you are going to be hyper sensitive to every cough, sneeze, throat scratch, ect…
Try to not let this distract you. You gotta realize it’s probably nothing.

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Is this reasonably possible in Philly? Here in Boston, my wife and I have been getting weekly tests - almost entirely motivated by improving our mental state. I’m in my office ~3 days a week, always 100% masked up but The Poz constantly nags at my psyche.

The testing is walk-up, free, and results in 18 hours. So far, more testing has not led to more cases.


I’m so sorry to hear that, and I hope you get a mild case and have an easy time of it.

Listen to the doctor and don’t try to be tough. Do you have someone who can make you some healthy food to keep your strength up and help your immune system?

Lots of freeroll stuff that’s not likely to do a ton but shouldn’t hurt. @CaffeineNeeded would you use any of that in this spot?

Hope your gf and daughter are fine too. Are they getting tested?

Yeah that’s scary too, it sucks that someone came to work despite symptoms though.

I can pay $75 for rapid tests (15 min) or get free ones that have a 2-4 day turnaround, although I think I’m supposed to be symptomatic to get those. Not sure how that works, obviously I could lie but I don’t want to tie up resources for those who need them more.

45 people like that Thin_Slicing caught COVID. Horrible, just horrible.

Stay strong, my friend.


You should have told me before I presented my „modified faithfulness“ plan to my girlfriend.


Meh I don’t do diet shit and idk. Whatever makes you feel good

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An article about anxiety self medication of parents in the age of Covid.


Alright, here’s the trip report. Good news right off the bat, he had 3-4 windows open. That certainly can’t hurt, so hopefully it helped reduce risk. 7 players and two dealers alternating. Nobody else had an N95 but we had 2 players and one dealer in surgical masks, 2 players and a dealer in cloth masks, and two pull up neck gaiter style coverings - one thick like a neck warmer, and the other seemed thinner.

I felted the thin neck gaiter in under 30 minutes and he left, so that was nice in more ways than one.

Mask compliance was very good. Everybody kept their noses covered, and masks were only removed to eat (mostly done 10-15 feet from the table) or drink (a mix of at the table and away, but people drinking at the table just took a swig and put it back on pretty quickly).

I ended up not eating at all, and I only drank about 1/3 as much as I expected. I did all my drinking outside - I tried to go out once every two hours or so.

When I went out, I stayed out for a couple minutes to get some air and then chugged some tea.

The table was smaller than a normal table, so the distancing wasn’t great. I’d say about like playing 8 handed in a casino. I felt pretty safe given the level of mask compliance and my N95.

My main concern was one dealer had a beard, so obviously his cloth mask wasn’t sealing as tightly as I’d like… But I never actually saw his nose or mouth for even a second within 15 feet of the table, so it wasn’t slipping out of place.

A few of the players have been playing in other games where not everyone is wearing a mask, so that’s unsettling as their risk profiles are worse than I expected.

One guy who’s overall been pretty careful (or so I thought) is also going to a wedding this weekend, and commented “I wonder if I’ll have to wear a mask?” It’s outdoors, but still not good obviously.

I think I did a good job protecting myself as much as possible. I did touch my face a couple times, but never near my eyes. As soon as I got in the car, I put hand sanitizer on my cheeks and forehead.

It’s a good thing I brought extra masks, my strap snapped on my first drink break. I had them very tight, and when I pulled it off, it snapped. I didn’t tie a loop in them the next time, so I crossed the straps behind my head to get it a little tighter.

The second mask being less tight didn’t sit as snugly on my face, and was less comfortable as a result (counterintuitive). I need to figure out a way to reduce the length of the straps slightly without making them too tight so they snap. Do they sell some kind of cinch or something?

It was tight enough to leave a mark on my nose and cause me chin and jaw discomfort, but a lot of it was because the second one wasn’t seated in quite as comfortable of a spot and crossing the straps applied pressure at a less comfortable angle.

What do you do in a medical setting to get the perfect tightness @CaffeineNeeded and @Will1530?

Among the players we had one Trump voter. At one point we were discussing a reg who wouldn’t come because he refused to wear a mask. “I don’t like wearing one,” he said. The Trump voter chimed in, “Nobody LIKES wearing masks, it’s just something we have to do.”

It was refreshing to hear that from a Trump voter. Although I don’t think he’s a Trumper per se. He made fun of him quite a bit. But he’s got a business that has benefitted heavily from some specific deregulation that Biden would roll back, so…

I’m not trying to excuse his vote/support, just explaining that he’s not some nut job who believes everything Trump says. I think he generally aligns with the GOP, regardless, he just sees Trump as a moron.

Post tax I made a month’s expenses. I ran hot, but if the game runs twice a month which it sounds like it will, I would expect to cover my living expenses in those two sessions if I run neutral.

What’s a TR without a couple hands?

Hand No. 1

Mandatory utg straddle is on so it’s 5/10/20. CO raises to 50, both blinds call, I call 44.

Flop (200) AQ4r the first blind leads 125, I call, the CO calls. I don’t think I’m bluffing that spot often in this lineup, and I don’t think he’ll give me many bluffs on this board, so we slow play. I’m also called, and we’re deep so I don’t want to go nuts with the PFR behind.

Turn (575) Tx He bets ~400, I call. I was going to raise some turns some of the time, but I don’t like this one. I doubt the PFR peels KJ here often, but he can have QQ and AA. SB can also stab KJ on the flop. PFR folds.

River (1375): Ax he bets 700. I think for a little while, make it 2100 and get tank sigh called by KJ. I thought the river was actually close. We’re like $5500 deep and we don’t want to get stuffed on. But I think he’s calling KJ and maybe other AX. Of course he can also have AQ AT A4.

Hand No. 2

Mandatory straddle is on. CO and BTN limp, I’m SB with KJo and call, BB calls, straddle checks.

This play by me is atrocious generally speaking, don’t do it. But it’s a home game, I gotta protect my invite and can’t be folding too much. The limpers have plenty of hands I dominate, the other blinds aren’t raising a ton in this spot, so I just need to be really sharp post flop so I don’t bleed too much money with this VPIP.

Flop (100) JT4r

Checks to the CO, he bets 75, I call. We’re deep stacked and this is one of those tread lightly spots. He’s capable of having a wide range here, including weaker suited Jx and lots of straight draws.

Turn (250) 6x

I check, he bets 150, I call. Nothing really changed. We could even fold here but I think he’d value bet worse and bluff straight draws.

River (550) Kx

I lead for 250, he tanks about 2 mins and calls, I lose to KK. Bet you didn’t see that one coming! It was a call or fold tank, so maybe I’m not getting paid there. He really thought I had Q9.

River was interesting. He’s an opponent I’m playing explo against, and he tends to size big. I do not want to face a big bet here, and I don’t want to let Jx check back. I decided to bet the largest amount I thought he’d call with AJ QJ and maybe J9, and I think he’d view this as a small bet. I expected to lose to Q9 and 44, I didn’t think he’d limp TT+.

Still happy with it, it would have been very hard to find a x/f so I probably saved $150-250 on the river. Given his tank, maybe I need to go smaller. I might have misread his idea of a small bet here.

This is a great example of why we fold KJ preflop in this spot in a regular game.

All in all it was a fun game, it went about as well as I could hope, and hopefully I run good at fading the virus too. If ~15 hours a month in this game saves me ~160 hours a month in a casino in March-May, it’s gotta be way +EV health wise.


Hands look good.

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Folding KJ pre with just limps in front would be awful

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Not with a straddle on, unless the limpers are playing any 2.


Are you folding KQ? Folding your button or bb with kJ? In a live game with dolts? With a sb invested? And the read is limpers are weak? Folding KJ would be ridiculous. Last I’ll say on it

I’d only fold if there were known aggressive players behind. Call is OK, raise is an option too if you get a decent number of folds. Honestly it’s the kind of spot people get into holy wars over and it just doesn’t really matter. The only ways you can make a real mess of it are raise in a game where nobody will fold or overplay your hand postflop.


I’m not as good as poker as a lot of you. But it seems like cuses read of the game makes calling with KJo trivial.

Especially if KK isn’t raising you


I’m not saying I would fold pre, but it’s hard to get paid with KJ when you make a hand. Cuse flops great, but after the turn bet I figure I’m behind 50% of the time. Theoretically correct to call, but you’re losing a bet on
the river most of the time when you’re behind and rarely getting paid when you’re ahead, people don’t have 3 barrels or thin value in their range.

I get that this is weak tight for an online game, but running into players so weak tight that they crying call the 3rd nuts is standard live. I just wish I knew how to beat this kind of player, when I try to run over them they usually have it.

For their limp open range, KJ is ahead if they’re playing 50% of their hands, but probably not far enough ahead to play OOP without considering the metagame Cuse mentioned.

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KJo is a miserable hand in a multiway pot. It’s still playable in the SB in a limped, unstraddled pot, but the straddle makes it more marginal here. It is more playable if you have a loose image and less if you have a tight image.

If you play offsuit broadway hands in multiway pots, you need to be good at picking when to fold top pair. I’d be more inclined to fold them pre against opponents who put a lot of pressure with big postflop bets because that’s not what you want be facing with one-pair hands. I would play KJo more against opponents who let us control the pot size.

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