COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

KJ is so tricky there. At my skill level I’d be a donk and call but then be lost post-flop in NL.

(Insert limit player joke here).

Then you get the perfect oh shit flop. Yeah you flopped top pair but it’s not strong and you have to act first. Yuck.

Sick hand 1you slow playing fish :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

How was simple conversation thru the masks?

No symptoms from either yet and we are monitoring it closely. I am locked in my room and when I walk through the hall way to the bathroom I am masked up.

We talked about them getting tested last night but decided on just continuing to have me isolate and they continue to quarantine.

First sign of symptoms from either of them and they will both get tested though.

My doctor said it was ok for me to go on walks as long as I don’t expose anyone else. I have no problem not doing that and just walking around my small back yard a little bit each day.

UP medical experts, is my doctor crazy for saying I can take walks right now?


Guess you gotta think about your mental health too

Sorry to hear about the diagnosis. Walks in your backyard with no one in proximity seems fine to me.

In most other countries quarantine usually means staying on your own property. Even with that, the numbers are going through the roof this side of the Atlantic!

That’s what I’m going to do. He was saying I could go for a long walk around the neighborhood.

Flew PHL-MSP yesterday on Delta.

Plane was half full basically. 2/2 configuration. The only paired seats w both occupied were couples.

KN95 with cloth overtop. Was a little warm but not bad. A couple of times I had to just close me eyes and relax my breathing from a slight claustrophobic feeling.

Online checkin had Qs about health. Nothing asked if me in person. No temp check.

I did have to briefly show my face at precheck security to check against my ID.

They give you a wipe as you board. Then in flight they give snack bags in a ziplock. Small water bottle plus Cheezits and Biscoff cookies. Plus a little square thing that you break and get a dollop if purell.

Ate and drank by quick sips or sliding food inside mask. Otherwise I could see were doing similar. Apparently no Republican congressmen on board.

Compliance inside airport was 100%. I don’t even remember seeing any noses.

All in all I felt pretty safe. The Delta part of the airport seemed much busier than American even though Philly is an American hub. I think word is out that they are doing the better job.


I generally don’t mask up for outdoor walks unless we are going by the stores in town. If I was officially quarantined due to contact tracing then a Mask would be in order. I don’t see any significant risk to a masked outdoor walk.


Glad you had a good experience. I’ve heard/read that Delta is really killing it.

Was confused at first on why they wipe your ass as you board. That’s the danger of reading while on a zoom.


I’m platinum. if I was Diamond they would kiss my ass.


So long as he’s got a t-shirt on stating ‘I got Covid, don’t touch me if I pass out’ etc.

Not sure I’ve heard of another country allowing Covid positives to be wandering around the neighbourhood - doesn’t sound too essential

I’d probably just stay in my yard, but I can’t imagine walking around the neighborhood, as long as nobody is near you and you’re not breathing inside people’s mailboxes or something, is really a problem. Mask up, of course.

Got it. I’m a lowly Gold, so fewer on-board perks.

I don’t think I’d want to bear the fear that I’d infect someone else in my neighborhood out walking around, even though with a pretty good mask on and knowing to keep the fuck away from people that risk would be pretty low. Masked walks around the yard would be it for me, unless there was, like, open green space where I’d rarely see anyone else right nearby.


Every now and then someone at the other end of the table would say something I wouldn’t hear right the first time but overall it was fine. My main concern was that there was a lot of laughter and I’m sure that projects more virus out into the air than talking or breathing.

So my N95 compliance isn’t great. I usually have a fairly short beard. For covid I trim it to a goatee so it sits completely within the mask. As for the rest of my face, I don’t shave for any reason. I put my beard trimmer on its lowest setting so I always have 1-2 days thick stubble. That technically isn’t within compliance. For the mask itself I use a 3M mask, I don’t do anything special with the straps. I just make sure the metal piece is right around my nose.

Bottom line with N95s if you take a deep breath and can feel the mask sucked against your face it protects you well enough.


In the last 10 years I’ve been everywhere from Silver to Diamond. One time as a Diamond in Atlanta that had us deplane directly to the tarmac and gave us a ride in a town car to the front of the airport.

The horror yesterday. No Delta Lounge. I don’t know if it is closed all the time or not (I have access via credit card). And then they boarded by row number, not status. I had to watch ordinary plebes get on first.

(Seriously I wanted to be one of the last to board so I was more than OK w waiting).

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Europe sees 100,000 daily cases for the first time

Europe has seen more than 100,000 new cases in a day for the first time since the pandemic started.

A World Health Organization official, Dr Michael Ryan, said it was sad to see a rapid rise in cases in many European countries. He called on governments to take decisive action.

Spain’s government has declared a two-week state of emergency in the Madrid region, imposing travel restrictions to try to contain an outbreak there.

In the UK, estimates suggest between one-in-170 and one-in-240 people you meet in the street has the virus.

Russia has reported its highest daily cases since May.

Two days ago, there were 4,457 new cases.

Today, there are 4,525 new cases

before dinner.

Right on schedule here too. Europe at 100k per day???!

US 7 day: