COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Lol. Hahahahhahahahahahahahaha.


Maybe dum dum already had it?

That means they knew so she masked up and was careful/somewhat isolated.

It would of been better if she didn’t know.

So banning abortions also harms the environment.


Talk my high conspiracy ass down. This Hope Hicks, covid, donnie quarantining thing is an attempt to call off the election until Trump isnt sick anymore, isnt it? Like fake death bed and all that bullshit

I think it is to avoid the debates personally.

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It’ll be 5-8 days before we know he has it if she gave it to him yesterday.

Of course that means he’s already tested today and when it comes back negative he’ll assume he doesn’t have it, even tho it’s basically impossible to show positive 24 hours after exposure.

I mean. Its 30 fucking days til the election. If crazy shit is gonna happen, its gonna happen sooooooppn

I also noticed Moderna CEO saying no vaccine until Spring at the earliest. Not really a great day for vaccine news.

A reasonable day. Vaccines cause some reactions. The goal is get your immune systems attention. The anti Vaxxers are a plague. Damn them.

12-18 months was always the superous fastiest timeline without being fantabulously risky.

No doubt. I think we all have pretty reasonable expectations on the virus so both of those headlines confirmed them tbh. The general public I am not so sure on though.

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I think this is unlikely. Trump needs plausible deniability to usurp the election. I have the sniffles isn’t likely to work. Mail in voting = fraud is way more of a risk.

Is it bad news that some people experience short term discomfort? Provided no dangerous side effects, I don’t think this changes much for those candidates chance of approval.

But that’s what the whole “oh no hes on his deathbed and we cant let anyone see him” trick is for.

I dont like it

As soon as it becomes convenient to burn Trump people will do it. We just haven’t quite hit the tipping point yet. I think we will. You are seeing it now starting with damaging leaks every day.

Literally no one likes him. No one.

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Man I hope he guzzles gallons of HCQ.

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Did I fucking will this into existence? Am I a fucking seer? Wtf is happening?