COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Do an experiment for me. Ask those people where they get their information from. It’s guaranteed to be some mixture of AM talk radio, church, facebook, and Fox News. You’re blaming the victims here. I know they are deeply unsympathetic on an individual level, because I too am interacting with them all the time and they can be insanely irritating… but I’ve also experienced how easy it is to get them nodding along with me. I’ve been testing messaging stuff on them for years without getting any blowback for being subtly political while at work. And blowback would have been had because my business partners are old school western Republicans who I’m very sure do not appreciate mixing work and politics. Not that they would do more than scold me, I’m an independent with lots of options who they make a lot of money off of. They earn it, but that money wouldn’t exist without me and their cost structure wouldn’t change. If we ever part ways it’ll be over business not politics. They definitely would bitch at me about it though.

And just because I think you’re in the moral wrong on this… don’t think that means I think you’re a ‘bad person’. I’m capable of extending some understanding to Trump supporters so imagine how much understanding I have for you. Like I said at the start of this post on an individual level they are deeply unsympathetic.

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You can live with it and they can die with it. It all works out in the end.

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Sorry but there are plenty of poor people who don’t turn into hateful assholes.


For some reason most of them seem to be not white. Also there’s nothing productive about this sentiment. You’re certainly allowed to have it, but you should be trying to fight it so that you can operate correctly. Hating people for not responding to your badly executed message is understandable but also a great example of a type of tilt.

You see it with salespeople all the time when they are on a down swing.

Being poor does not make you racist, and it is insulting to the people working in factories who are also compassionate people who believe in science that you act like the two are connected. I honestly don’t even think poor whites are disproportionately racist when compared to middle class/upper class whites.


OK so if the vaccine were completely ineffective then out of 94 pozzed you’d expect 47 cases in vaccinated people and 47 in placebo. Or rather, you’d see the same number of cases in both groups, so 85 in the control group and 85 in the experimental group.

So if the vaccine had 50% efficacy (make the incorrect assumption that the vaccine’s effect is binary, so it’s either totally effective or totally ineffective), then you’d see 43 in the experimental and 85 in the control. And 90% efficacy, you’d see 9 in the experimental. and 85 in the control. So yeah, this result does point to 90% efficacy.

Of course there’s a randomness involved, but 85 positives in the control group isn’t a small sample. The FDA wants greater than 50% efficacy, which this result blows away. This is like testing to see if a coin is biased to at least 75% heads, flipping it 94 times, and getting heads 85 times. It’s biased to at least 75% heads, for sure. And the randomness could be in either direction.


Poor racists are the only kind of racists I’m even a little bit willing to forgive. The middle class+ racists can get fucked. We don’t need them because we’re already winning the college educated demo just fine.

We need the working class vote to be 70/30+ for us across every race or the left wing of our party should just pack it in. That’s the whole sales pitch for leftists being politically viable.

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My wife works for a medical tech company and told me months ago to somehow get some money into companies that make dry ice because they knew the vaccine would need to be kept cold. I said I told her I have no idea where to look for something like that, the process of making it seems pretty simple and I’m not sure if it’s something the various megacorps deal with or if it is usually done on a smaller, local scale.

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Man, there are plenty of white people stuck in shitty jobs who don’t turn into MAGA chuds.

And we need the rest. You’re not making a coherent point here beyond that you want to be allowed to punch down without having to feel bad about it.

Hating Nazis isn’t “punching down,” FFS.


Step 1: Classify everyone you hate as Nazis
Step 2: Punch away!

Calling poor people who got aggressively targeted by propaganda nazi’s is punching down regardless of whether it’s factually true or not. It’s a lousy framing and it’s wrong. If they are Nazi’s our job is to figure out how to deprogram them.

Poor whites are the weak spot in the GOP coalition because the GOP is doing massively less than nothing for them. This is the messaging equivalent of having the wind at your back, except that the metaphor is nowhere near strong enough.

I was raised to be someone else’s slave. It didn’t take particularly well because I’m one of the most disagreeable people you’ll ever meet (I’m at 1% agreeable on big 5 tests lololol), but it has given me a deep empathy for people who live in a fishbowl with virtually no factual content.

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Hopefully in the next couple months another vaccine or two have similar promising results. To me, the new goalpost is enough vaccination to have herd immunity before this time next year.

We also need one that doesn’t need -80C to be transported. That will fly in the US, Europe, and some countries in Asia, but for LATAM/Africa/South Asia there’s just no way.

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This thread has taken a weird turn. Is there even a correlation in between affluence and racism? Also I am not really sure having sympathy or people willfully not only ignoring widely available scientific advice but actively participating in subverting it at the expense of hundreds of thousands of lives is even possible for me. There are commercials and ads for Covid precautions EVERYWHERE. But that doesn’t feel good so they ignore it.

Are they brainwashed? Of course to some extent. But these people know what they are doing. That’s why if you ever challenge them on it they revert back to STOP BULLYING ME (which is what we have seen post-election from this crowd) rather than any coherent argument. They know the right wing propaganda is BS. They know it is hateful. That’s what they like about it. I’ve argued with enough of these people on the internet to know that they do feel shame if you really drop the hammer which implies they aren’t completely innocent morons.

Like literally we are going to argue people walking around with FUCK YOUR FEELINGS gear don’t know that is completely brutal and hateful behavior? Of course they do. They love it for exactly that reason. Taking away all of their agency and laying it at the feet of AM radio seems like an odd approach.


No, but the rich are a numerically much smaller group and unlike the poor they have legitimate reasons to support the GOP. But mah tax cuts makes a lot more sense when you’re in line to inherit 7-8 figures and you’re drawing live to a real inheritance tax.

I have no desire to help those people have it any easier in life so they can get fucked. I don’t care if it’s their fault or not, but it is, because they went to decent private schools where they got to read actual books about stuff. They have way fewer good excuses than the poors do.

Also I’ve tried talking these people into sanity before too. I went to college for economics. There are a lot of rich kids going to school for economics at any college. They can be given excellent arguments targeted right at them and still balk. Way more effort than they are worth.

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I have no doubt we will get the distribution thing figured out. Especially with Biden’s team running the show. It won’t be easy but I am confident today for the first time ever that we will have a widely available vaccine at some point in 2021.

I don’t think that means that we forgive their racism. It means we appeal to their material interests and give them stuff so they vote for us. In doing so, a lot of them will drop a lot of their racist grievances as they adopt the talking points of their new team. Kind of like how a bunch of republican rubes currently talk about job creators and “Judeo Christian Values” and trickle down and a bunch of other shit that they don’t comprehend in any meaningful way, but nonetheless have absorbed as part of their identity.

To bring this back to our favorite topic, Joe Rogan sucks. We should not pretend we like Joe Rogan, we should just accept his support and that of his listeners. Mitt Romney doesn’t talk about how much he likes racists, and for all of his faults he’s not an outwardly bigoted person. The racists still vote for him because they think it’s in their interests to do so, and those racists end up doing a lot of leg work in supporting the corporate friendly shit that Mitt actually cares about.


I agree with this post almost entirely. Where I disagree is that I think if we can use Joe Rogan to get a tactical win we do it. We aren’t going to stop him from being big and his audience contains a lot of the people I want to target. It sucks that he platforms right wing assholes, but we’re back to that trading in chess situation again. They took your piece and you can capture back. Sometimes the other side made a choice and your response is obvious and automatic.

Obviously if there’s an option available to undermine Rogan we take it… but I didn’t think less of any leftist that went on his show in this last cycle, and I won’t think less of anyone else who goes on his show and puts in good work targeting his audience with something they might not be getting a lot of exposure to.

I also don’t blame anyone for going on Fox News. Same story. When Bernie did that Fox town hall and just embarrassed the shit out of them it was one of the highlights of the whole primary for me.

Deplatforming works, but quitting the platform absolutely doesn’t. If you want to convince people of stuff you have to go where they are.

Obviously we have to pick the people we send to these venues carefully and make sure they know how to score points on messaging to these audiences… and they need to prepare a lot for these appearances because it’s not that hard to do more harm than good if they manage to make you look stupid, and some of these are just always traps, but we make sure we delivered a carefully tailored message to every single demographic with winnable votes in it… which is all of them.

-80 needs heavy duty freezer or liquid nitrogen.

Some things that freeze at -80 but then have a few days ok she’d life at -20. We do that all the time with bacteria and yeast used to inoculate industrial fermenters.

But vaccines are going to be extra tricky cause of all the validation requirements.