COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

The cold storage seems like a big problem


We ship frozen shit all over the country. Just commandeer Sysco trucks.

A competent program will figure it out. Give that we are in the middle of an outbreak I’d imagine that health care workers and then ring inoculation around the worst places would be the first waves.

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Doesn’t it need to be stored at like -80C or something insane? Your average refrigerated truck is not going to cut it.


I’m not so worried about shipping. I don’t think my ER has something that is that cold. I’m sure the pharmacy does, but I doubt it’s a significant size and I know they aren’t setup for distribution. The practical aspect of that during mass administration will be difficult.

It’s a problem that can be overcome, but I think it’s a larger one than many realize. -80c is fucking cold.


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I got to fucking hand it to Pfizer though. We’re not even a year out from the discovery of the virus and we have what appears to be a working vaccine based on an entirely new type of vaccine mechanism. That’s awesome.


I understand the fuck poor stupid people sentiment. We are all locking down and doing our best to help control this thing. I have already told my family we are not coming to Thanksgiving and Christmas this year.

But I think we need to dig down and find some compassion. We cant rail against the power of the propaganda machine and then at the same time condemn people that fall to the propaganda.

Let’s not go down the path of dehumanizing the people that don’t see what we see.


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If you run 21500 independent trials with p= 47 / 21500, then the chance of:
10 or fewer = 1 in 14.6 billion
20 or fewer = 1 in 136k
30 or fewer = 1 in 186

The chance of:
84 or more = 1 in 1.4 million
75 or more = 1 in 10k
65 or more = 1 in 136

As for taking 94 cases and randomly putting them into two buckets, bobman is right that anything close to an 84-10 split would be ~impossible if the buckets were equally likely.


Damn just noticed fake Sean Connery there too :(

Incredible. I didn’t expect Jr to actually be smarter than his dad. Holy shit is Sr a moron.

Smarter in this context is just getting to the obvious line first instead of fucking up and calling it a good thing like it helps.

There are an awful lot of people on this board who have never been inside a warehouse, a call center, a factory, a slaughterhouse, worked in a restaurant, or been poor for one second of their lives who feel super comfortable shitting all over poor racist whites. I think you guys are just as bad morally as they are. The fact that you’re smarter than them, richer than them, and have the opportunities required to have a bigger perspective is just pure unadulterated privilege.

Classism is the rich left’s answer to racism. How about we be real progressives and figure out how to uplift these people so that they can see the world the way we do.

Obviously not aimed at Thin Slicing at all lol.


Production and distribution will be a world class cluster fuck, but even with that this has the potential to put a major dent in mortality. Even if we assume rich white folks and football players will be part of the first in line group, a lot of the first wave of vaccinations will go to high risk groups. Unfortunately I think recent immigrants are going to continue to get crushed by covid for a long time.

Very informative segment with the guy in charge of logistics to distribute the vaccine. At least he seems competent.


Got an e-mail late last week that there is a confirmed COVID case in one of my daughter’s classes. Actually pleasantly surprised that there has only been the one as far as I know, since they’ve been back in class for about a month (give or take a week - I’ve lost all track of time).

The rumor of the case started a couple days prior, as someone said a few kids were removed from class. The e-mail from school said that families of any students considered to be a close contact have already been called and told what to do. We also received a checklist of steps to take/symptoms to check from the county health department. Overall, seems like it’s been handled fine.

My kids are still remote, so it doesn’t affect them.

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Appreciate you doing the math. Glad to find out I was wrong tbh.


Can someone explain to me how El Paso works? Do they not have a mayor? A judge seems to run the city.

El Paso city has a mayor. El Paso County has a commissioners court, for which the chief executive is the county judge, a position which has some judicial functions and some non-judicial functions.


I’ve never been poor but I have been working in a factory for the last 13 years around a lot of people you’re talking about and have no sympathy for the idiot science deniers who end up pozzed. Sorry it’s just not how my brain works, might make me a shitty person but I can live with that.


It’s pretty easy to put a small thing on dry ice and ship it at -80 C. It’s going to be a huge challenge to scale that up to 7 billion.