COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

-80 is dry ice. Liquid nitrogen is about -196 C.

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My best friends boyfriend is Lebanese. His grandfather died of covid this weekend and his parents, his two siblings and their family are all infected. He is flying there this week but is scared as it’s really bad there. Feel bad for him.


I mean dry ice in a styrofoam cooler, not that hard right?

This vaccine news is going to cause a lot of people to let their guard down about this virus, right?


Yes, but not all of them. Nobody least of all me expects anything to work always. I don’t need to win all the poor whites over.

The rich libertarian white on the other hand is like 99.5% assholes. Total waste of time.

I would hope it does the opposite. It does make a full scale lock down less likely I think.

Man, people already gave up months ago.

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For a small number of samples for not all that long, yes.

Ya I’m not really sure there is any lower to go from here. Obviously the rational thing to do would be to tell people we only have 6 more months of Covid or whatever and do heavy mitigation tactics until the vaccine but I would be surprised if that happens. We are still going to have several hundred thousand more dead before the vaccine is widely available.

“Leaning towards”

Holy shit


Right, so the logistics of distribution at -80 C doesn’t seem that challenging. A few million coolers, a bunch of dry ice, and a bunch of fedex next day delivery packages.

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What the fuck good is a stop the steal rally in California going to do? Are they expecting to overturn 10 million votes?



This is what we’re up against. We’re blaming people for not agreeing with facts that they’ve never had explained to them. When we do talk to them we assume a ton of context and knowledge that they simply don’t have.

Nobody fires a hundred feet over the heads of the target audience like the Democrats. Nobody.

Agreed with this. Throw us a stimulus that covers us from January to the end of next summer, lock us the fuck down and put every available resource towards scaling this to nationwide/world wide distribution

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We need to probably use military supply chains and use whatever that govt act is to seize some manufacturing capacity for the purpose of making dry ice and -80 freezers. Maybe we can seize that giant fleet of Amazon vans to shuttle vaccine doses 24/7 from emergency storage centers to pharmacies and clinics.

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I just feel like this is going to be more ammo to OPEN EVERYTHING UP TO FULL CAPACITY NOW NOW NOW.

Hope you’re right and I’m wrong.


Relatively common in the US. My uncle had hip replacement in his mid-20s and the room they put him in was directly looking at the cemetery so he made plenty of jokes about it.

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Lol carnival stock up 32% on vaccine info.

“We got a vaccine! Everybody get on a fucking boat, now!”


You won’t have to seize them. Just tell Jeff you’ll tell everyone about how his fleet helped distribute it and he’ll do it for free. You literally can’t buy PR like that.