Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

This seems fishy as hell and the trades that happened should be investigated

Crazy sell-off to end the day. Obviously the vaccine news is extremely bullish long term. The next 3-4 months should still be terrible though so this seems like a very weird place for the market tbh. Even with the sell-off it is still up about 10% in a week lol.

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Wonder if the selloff was related to Trump’s tweets on PA/WI. Timing checks out. Maybe it was completely unrelated, though.

That’s my feeling. Trumps tweets, the firing, and the general tone of the right wing media machine means a smooth transfer of power is not happening.

My family goes on a cruise every few years. Now you (internet) know one.

Seems like a good idea to look into:

They pretty much have. Last I heard the next step is to start stripping their boats and selling them for parts. If they arent up and running by the end of winter they are going to have to retire some of their fleet

Holy shit was that a 500 point selloff to close the day?

TBH I think they are talking about people who take like 3-6 cruises a year. I am going to preface this by saying to each their own but I don’t get the fascination with cruises. They are expensive. You are jammed into a boat with a zillion people. The food is mediocre at best. The drinks are $10 each. The gambling is low rent. Most of the North American destinations are not really the attractive areas to travel to and filled with hawkers and tanzanite jewelry stores. You are constantly hustled on the ship. The rooms suck. Doing one every once in a while seems fine tbh, but the people doing every vacation in a cruise ship baffle me.

I think people get sucked in by the upfront price being cheap but then you end up spending $500-$1000 per person on the boat/excursions and you might as well have just gone on a real vacation at that point. I also think people like that there isn’t a ton of planning and it feels “safe” to go to places with brown people. You can easily do 7-10 days in most places in Europe, Asia and South America for way less than a 7 day cruise. You also get the benefit of nicer places to stay (hell I have stayed in hostels nicer than cruise rooms) better food and a more authentic experience.


notstonks confirmed

I did an Alaska cruise, which is as good as cruises get, and it still sucked.

I get why olds like them though, you can see a lot without having to walk very much and you get the mega-standardized garbage America #1 experience boomers seem to crave.


They get waited on hand and foot, and can dip their toe in exotic locales safely for an afternoon then go back to America on the ship. And as mediocre as the food generally is, let’s face it it’s still a step up for the green bean casserole crowd.

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Every time an old person tells me about how much I need to go on a cruise they always tell my fat ass how good the food is. It’s kind of insulting if I’m being honest. I tell myself that I need to not be offended by the unfortunates who are responsible for Golden Corrals continued financial health and it fades.

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Lol idk who told you that but lolno it’s not even close. I mean it’s beautiful if you like redwoods but maybe only australia and gulf coast are worse. Med, caribbean, hawaii, tahiti, southeast asia all better ainec.

Our experience has been different. We don’t take part in cruise line excursions, and we don’t drink very much so our expenses are pretty limited. We also tend to get out of the tourist areas where the boats dock and go see the town. One time in Cozumel we ended up in some local neighborhood that was having a parade of some sort and that was pretty cool.

But, I fully understand it’s not for everybody. For me, who likes to plan things, it’s an extremely stress free vacation. All I have to plan is getting us to the boat. After that I don’t have to do anything. Mostly I like them because I can completely relax.

Additionally, the last few cruises I went on the rooms were vastly improved. These are not the same boats you took a cruise on in the '90s.


They’re the biggest so probably last to fail I would think but who knows

I wasn’t trying to be a dick and don’t think there is anything wrong with going on cruises. So I apologize if I came across that way. I was mostly referring to people I know who do the same Caribbean cruise like 3-4 times a year. It wasn’t meant as a shot at you at all. Hell I’ve been on 3 myself. My overall point is that it isn’t very good value for the average cruiser and it isn’t much of a cultural experience for them either. It sounds like you are doing it better than most.


Also, in my younger single days pre-marriage, cruises had an abundance of women with the same mindset as me.


Boomers do love cruises. I love that the narrative is that divorce rates are falling when really it’s just that boomers were really bad at marriage and after their paint chip addled asses things went back to normal.

I think he means good as in good subject matter - stuff to see from the boat, possibly a bit younger more adventurous crowd with less kids screaming at the pool, interesting land excursions that don’t all just look like the same beach, etc.

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