COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

This reasonable on its face, however the problem is, there isn’t a ton of good that can come from me reading the studies. There is literally zero chance that I can offer any scientific, medical, or immunological insight beyond what scientists that devote their life to this subject can.

Consider the scenario where the FDA/whoever approves the use of one of these vaccines. You then read the study. Do you honestly expect to stumble upon some medical insight or statistical anomaly that these regulatory bodies missed?

I used to say that same thing - I’ll see what happens, look at the data, and make a decision. But, I’m a moron so who am I kidding that I’ll even be able to understand the scientific data on even the most superficial level.


Most of the vaccine will be distributed under Biden. I think there is a good chance we see the right wingers turn on it under those circumstances. Most of them are anti-vax or anti-vax adjacent anyways.


So, I just turned up with a 99.2 degree fever. No other symptoms other than a mild general malaise. I haven’t interacted with anyone outside my immediate family for the last month, except for my in-laws who we see regularly and who were here for Thanksgiving week. Is there any point to isolating away from my wife and kids? The only way I can imagine having caught it is from the in-laws, and they were around everyone in my household for an extended period anyways.


How long does it take to develop immunity after vaccination?

We’re a few months away from the first of many “my religion says I don’t have to take the vaccine and work/school can’t discriminate against me because of it” SCOTUS cases, aren’t we?


28 days, full

Roll on the vacinne but…Also worth remembering we do not yet know whether the vaccine stops you catching and spreading covid or whether it just stops you getting sick


I read something like 90% benefit 7 days after the second shot, and full benefit a month after the second shot. I forget how far apart the 2 shots are spaced - 3 weeks or a month I think.

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That’s possible - but Trump’s going to stay in the public eye and keep reminding everyone that he personally delivered it to us in December when “no one thought it could be done.”

If you really think you might have it, then yes. There’s no reason you’re all going to get it just because one of you did. Both the families that I know that have had covid in their house have not had everyone get it. 2 out of 4 people next door got it and they live in an 800sf house and they all stayed in the house throughout.

Gonna be hard for you since you have a little kid though.

Probably nothing.

Probably should get tested.

I started thinking last night about if I should start booking summer travel plans now. Maybe the vaccines are already priced in, but I assume once the vaccines become a reality people are going to be traveling like crazy.

I don’t know anything about vacation insurance, maybe this is an instance where it makes sense. I’d love any opinions.

Which sucks because it used to be pretty awesome 10 years ago. I was more of a BFI poster than anything else and got a ton out of it.

But yeah since the good posters mostly all quit it hasn’t been good lol.

This is not a fever

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might need to give it a few months if planned travel is international

I’m hoping vaccine = travel but it won’t if you still spread

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This is incorrect unless you mean it in the most hyper literal sense in that it hasn’t been directly studied for this. However, germ theory still applies. Stopping people from getting sick will stop transmission.

The odds of an immune person spreading COVID have got to be vanishingly small.

Daily Fail (lol) but they’re quoting Moderna themselves

Same mentioned in all BBC articles re all vaccines, as an advisory, not a HUGE possiblity…

The announcement gave us the headline, but there is a still lack of fine detail.

We do not know if the vaccine stops you catching and spreading the virus or just stops you from getting ill. We also don’t know how protective the vaccine is in different age groups.

These will be crucial for understanding how it will be used.

Maybe your Texas friends have this inside edge on this too

Don’t think you’re reading that correctly.

ok, direct me to the cite that confirms the new vaccines for the novel coronavirus mean you don’t spread. I’ll try to read them correctly ;)

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