Omicron, Boosters, and Asymptomatic Spread

I don’t want you contained. I’m not sure how you came up with that perception. I don’t want anyone contained or permanently banned. I didn’t think Inso or Sabo or Sklansky should have been banned.

Maybe you don’t need to respond to every point? Try to understand JT’s worldview. One incorrect point doesn’t invalidate that worldview. Narratives are flexible and can adjust around disproven points.

And what’s wrong with long posts? This isn’t Twitter.

What would you say your position is?

JT is referring to a discussion where the point was whether or not the effectiveness in the initial studies of the covid vaccine showing protection against symptomatic disease was evidence that the vaccines prevented transmission. The concern was that was not what the study directly looked at.

However, because of how respiratory viruses and germ theory works, prevention of symptomatic disease is strong evidence against transmission.

JT doesn’t understand what those words means in his quotes above and isn’t humble enough to listen when someone tells him that he’s mistaken, we get the same horseshit over and over again.

I’m contemplating an RFC on whether mods should have the power to contain users. I think it might be good for the community to discuss whether mod power should be explicitly limited or confirmed in that regard.

You sure?

Also worth remembering we do not yet know whether the vaccine stops you catching and spreading covid or whether it just stops you getting sick

Is what started that chain of responses with Churchill that you quote. I’m sure an apology is incoming.

wow lol. I must have missed this whopper the first time around.

Eh, fuck that guy.

Do you believe JT is arguing that the vaccine does not change the number of overall cases but mere converts symptomatic cases to asymptomatic cases among the vaccinated with little effect on spread within the community?

What other respiratory viruses have been subject to as much testing to discover the extent of asymptomatic cases?

So your point is that you’re stanning Churchill? Wow. Big contribution.

And you’ll note I say ‘spreading efficiently’, not ‘spreading at all’. Vaccine escape has caused increased symptomatic vaccinated cases, which is what has allowed for more spread. That is entirely different than what I say there.

Again, I’m sure this basic correction will lead to an apology.

JT’s argument is basically ‘JT misread a post and refuses to accept any explanation that he misread it’ despite numerous attempts to tell him otherwise.

Nothing has ever been tested like covid has.

Lol why do I bother

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Do you believe JT misread a single post and has been doubling down on it all this time or has he been repeatedly misreading several posts on different aspects of COVID and each flare-up is caused by a new post that he misreads?

If people are misunderstanding your position, then it would be useful to identify what they think your position is. That would be more charitable than assuming some sort of personal animus that leads to an intentional misreading when they know what you really think for the purpose of bullying or causing forum drama.

I think that’s the most charitable reason for his behavior.

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Man you really can’t fucking read can you? Lol

Lol jt, I didn’t call anyones friend a liar. Have fun

Has anyone of CN, Wookie, CW, or I said you need to be contained? I get that one random poster not really involved in these discussions did.

You all liked the suggestion, (at least you, cuse, and CN), so even if you didn’t say it, you supported it. Or maybe you’re just trolling.


I agree in general about likes, but the post they liked was pretty specific and limited to saying that JT should be contained - I don’t see any other possible interpretation for the like.

They also have been silent on whether JT should be contained, so it’s not like we have any words to go on. If jman had posted above that he doesn’t think JT should be contained, sure, I’ll ignore the like and take him at his word, but all he did was try to deflect and say he hasn’t specifically called for containment.

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