Omicron, Boosters, and Asymptomatic Spread

I wasn’t sure if you were telling me I missed your last post.

Both of you should be quoting articles. Not sure if you did at some point.

The argument has a lot of posts. I posted some text I hoped might refocus the debate because I think posting that snippet could possibly have cut off some of the back and forth or moved things to the next step.

We could save some time if each side took a condescending explain-it-like-the-other-side-is-five approach instead of arguing about who read what and who is arguing in good faith.

And you call a post like this, kind?

Official, maybe not. But it looks like it worked out unofficially. Thanks to everyone for keeping all the sniping and thread refereeing in this thread. I like reading all of it, depending on my mood, but it’s nice to “keep 'em separated”, as it were.


Agree but no one here needs or deserves a containment thread.

No, I didn’t have a problem with anyone calling another one a liar in a heated exchange. Both JT (to me) and CN (to JT) did that. I didn’t view that as unkind or uncivil, thus, when both sides did that, I didn’t say a word to either side about it - even when directed at me! But when name-calling started, that was over the line imo and an unnecessary escalation. Simple, really. I applied the same standard to everyone, and a few people are attempting to misconstrue that.

I specifically said “or similarly” so you’re spinning your tires here.

Well, congrats, you got me to read it again and…

Yes, that’s now what I’m saying. Is 38% “about a quarter?” If not, she’s intentionally spreading misinformation. And 38% is closer to a half than a quarter, if anyone wants to play that game.

Per her own linked study, the secondary household attack rate of Delta in vaccinated individuals is 25%, and it’s 38% for unvaccinated. Further, it says:

Fully vaccinated individuals with delta variant infection had a faster (posterior probability >0·84) mean rate of viral load decline (0·95 log10 copies per mL per day) than did unvaccinated individuals with pre-alpha (0·69), alpha (0·82), or delta (0·79) variant infections.

The only part you could attempt to hang your hat on is almost certainly a sample size issue, lest we believe that vaccinated individuals spread the virus more than unvaccinated individuals, which is nonsense that anyone paying attention to most of the studies knows is not true.

Never mind the fact that household exposure is quite a bit different from other types, and it’s probably not prudent to be making general assumptions based on household transmission, then applying them to vaccine protection in other settings.

Doesn’t always portray the data honestly, but yeah, she cites!

Meanwhile, that 30% asymptomatic rate regardless of vaccination status really throws a wrench into a lot of your other arguments. I’m surprised you even cited that source and opened the door to someone noticing that.

Righty ho.

So we can all agree what your definition of kindness is:

Calling someone a liar
Telling them to read better
Calling them a troll
Asking them to improve their level of reading comprehension
Implying they have ulterior motives

I’ll come back and extend this list as other kind behaviours are added.

This is not a user containment thread. This is a subject matter containment thread. Also known as “a thread.”

Still fishing I see.

Someone proposed that this become a JT COVID containment thread, which to me suggests containing a particular user on a particular subject matter to a specific thread and keeping them out of the main COVID thread.

Do we need an RFC on containment threads?

How about an exclusion thread? I’m pretty sure if we had a COVID thread that excluded CN, Wookie, CW, and Jman, we could actually communicate like adults on the subject matter, even if we occasionally disagree. @anon10396289 is this something we can do without a KFCBBQ?


Yep. I started this thread to split off the discussion from the general COVID thread because people are clearly interested in discussing things like booster efficacy against omicron and COVID spread by vaccinated people but the general forum consensus is that discussion doesn’t belong in the main megathread. It was never meant to contain any user.

Excellent idea, and since you’re no longer a mod, farewell.

I don’t think that would be a good idea.

Containing people should be off limits as well. We have excellent tools to deal with people you (well not you) don’t wish to interact with!

Seems like the first time each day I look at UP there are dozens of posts in the covid threads with the same group of four or five people piling onto one, always the same person.

We were assured this would stop if only jalfrezi victor churchill didn’t post any more.

Containment is an excellent tool for keeping disruptive members from ruining multiple forums.

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I’m sold! If I could contain you, I would!

Wtf happened to you? Seriously?

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