Omicron, Boosters, and Asymptomatic Spread

If anybody wants to discuss this stuff without fear of big brother jumping down your throat and painting you into positions that are not your positions just because you’re not in their cool kids club, hit me up on PM. Just as long as you’re not a ban luster.

Jesus Christ how fucking complicated is this? JT called me a liar in a one word post. Others called him a liar in other posts. In zero of those cases did I ask people to be kind or comment on civility. You cite this consistency as evidence of inconsistency.

Ummm, yes.

No. Read better, or stop trolling. Wait, no, I’m not allowed to ask anyone to do anything. So perhaps you would be able to clarify the misunderstanding if you chose to re-read my replies and improved your level of reading comprehension. Or perhaps you already understand just fine and have other motivations.

And yet I quoted your post quoting her and supporting her claim, that:

Seems pretty simple. Are you attempting to draw a distinction between “contagious” and “transmit”?

Yes I wrote it, yes I stand by it, you’re the one being obtuse if you can’t figure out why I asked someone to be kind when name-calling and asked nobody to be kind when calling each other liars.

I treated everyone the same when they called each other liars! I ignored it!

For the people driving by, this is yet another example of how little differences there is between JT and everyone else here. He’s just here to pick fights over stupid bullshit because he’s mad about stupid bullshit, so he goes round and round with same dishonest nonsense. It’s not a coincidence this started right after Churchill got banned.

It’s time to move on from JT and let him spew into the ether until he decides he can be productive again, which he is more than capable of. He’s not here to learn more or drink the proverbial water.

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Oh cool so everybody was being civil except for all the posts you chose to ignore. Ya that should have been easy for us to figure out lol.

You can move on all you want, but you are not the arbiter here.

Neither are you.

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I already quoted you quoting her saying almost word for word what I accused you of saying. Since you demand that I quote it again, I’ll quote it again:

Something something jello to a tree.

Right, and I’m not trying to be. You are.

This includes ignoring JT calling me a liar in a one word post, which did not result in a call for civility and kindness. It’s almost like name-calling is on one side of the line IMO and questioning someone’s truthfulness is not. Then it’s almost like I applied the same standard to everyone. Then it’s almost like some people saw an opportunity to misconstrue that and troll me.

No, wait, it’s exactly like that.

I’m out of this one, enough responding to bullshit for one night.

Seriously? We’re supposed to get inside your head and figure out that you let one slide and it was evened up or whatever and then Johnny got in another poke, and at that point it was right and just to call for kindness? Like WTF???


Well then I guess a special COVID thread for important happenings in the Czech Republic is also a no go?

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He’s trolling his ass off, especially his drama pleas for kindness.


I wish you’d posted this link before I went searching for it in the other thread.

A peer-reviewed study of 162 Delta-infected index cases and their 231 household contacts—who were tracked and tested every day for up to 20 days, regardless of symptoms—found that once infected, the vaccinated were just as likely to transmit COVID to people in their own households as the unvaccinated: about a quarter of both did so. They also found that the asymptomatic infection rate among vaccinated and unvaccinated participants was similar: around 30 percent. This was published in Lancet Infectious Disease.

It helps in debating here if people post both the relevant text and the link. Doing only one is infuriating and leads to unnecessary argument with people who really should read the article, bit who ldo aren’t going to. Anyone who fails to cite at this level can’t claim to be explaining things clearly.

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The process of hunting down the link from the other thread and reading it between poker hands started before you posted it ITT.