COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Police ended it because nobody wore a facemask or kept distance.

There were about 15-20000 protesters which are just a drop in the ocean when your population is 80mil+. Sometimes I really hope the media wouldn’t write these clickbait headlines and make these protest appear larger than they were.

School are starting in the upcoming weeks so its gonna get interesting.


UK ‘preparing’ for 2nd wave in October so I expect our schools to open but close pretty soon afterwards.

Germany’s golden bullet is the many, many local testing labs meaning you guys will know about a covid outbreak many days before UK would, which is game changer IMO, as evidenced by Germany’s ripple, not wave.

Good luck to us with the schools!

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I talked with an old friend on my trip and he said he was so confused about experts on both sides. I made it clear to him that there were no experts on the other side, just crackpots and politicians playing games.

He’s the type that would listen to my input. Feel like I did my good deed for the day.

Interestingly he quotes HVAC systems does large buildings both commercial and residential. In the past they couldn’t sell a UV in vent system they have, now the demand is off the chain.

They expect their Commercial business to go in the crapper. Even after this is done, they project business will adopt liberal work from home policies and need less office space.


Was in Wisconsin Monday-Wednesday. No mask mandate. Driving through on way back to PA today. Apparently the new liberal majority state Supreme Court took over today and D governor declared a new health emergency and mask mandate. On all the highway signs and at the gas station I just stopped at. Voting matters.


Shit, that’s the least egregious lie. How about George Soros, a Jewish man, being a former Nazi.

That’s some world class derp right there

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I hate myself for doing this.

  1. It’s Phase 3, not stage 3.

  2. Nobody has said it’ll be federal law to get it.

  3. The first and current CEO of Moderna is Stephane Bancel, a French businessman.

  4. Fauci graduated from Cornell in 1966, Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard in 1975. So I’m guessing they weren’t college roommates.

  5. RFID was patented in 1983 by Charles Walton.

  6. Moderna started in America from scratch, not some other company.

  7. IG Farben was split into its subsidiaries in 1951, George Soros had nothing to do with it.

  8. Soros is Jewish, so I’m pretty sure he wasn’t a Nazi. In fact, he had to hide during the Nazi occupation of Hungary to stay alive. He was also born in 1930, so he was only 15 years old when the war ended.

  9. Without Epstein’s personal financials who knows what stock he owned. He made his fortune in the 90s and 00s though, and Moderna wasn’t founded until 2010. At this point, Epstein was already negotiating plea deals with authorities and his businesses had collapsed.

  10. He was known to be trafficking girls AT LEAST going back to 2002, which means he made his connections a decade before Moderna was founded.

  11. Facebook sucks.

  12. I waste too much time.


When you do this, the idiots win


This is a huge problem here. People don’t understand that the average doctor is NOT an expert on epidemiology, vaccinology, etc. But damn it if they’ve got a stethoscope draped around their neck they MUST know more than us.

I have had some success reminding people that doctors basically learn how to diagnose and treat illnesses, almost like a big human reference book. They don’t develop treatments or study the spread. They know HOW they spread and HOW LONG you’re contagious, so they can give you advice like, “Stay home for a week, try not to get too close to your family.”

But then they’re in the trenches every day, right? They’re seeing tons of patients, not reading research papers about COVID-19. In reality some random intelligent person with too much time on their hands (whassup guys?) who is reading a lot of the research probably knows more than 99% of doctors about this specific thing.


I think doing it makes me an idiot, so chessmate I win.

(Also I didn’t post it on FB.)


Posting on FB would be less of a waste than posting it here, imo.


Delete Facebook FFS


Let’s get them to decide who will be President and see what happens!

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I actually did it to send to my ex who I know argues with people on FB, thus might be able to use some of those factoids when the conspiracy theories come up.

This has been a major moral dilemma for me for a while. I want to do it, but there are a significant number of family and friends who I do not otherwise communicate with and would lose touch with.


I’m in the same boat. I know it’s the right thing to do but I also have a huge network of friends on there. We really need a solid replacement as I’m pretty sure all of them, plus most or the non boomers would move.


Set up a discord, easy game.

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Some random thoughts on COVID-19 here in Philadelphia, as I likely only have a couple months left here. Maybe a month ago, I’m not sure of the exact date because of my isolation, they closed down a street near me and gave the restaurants/bars on each side a lane to do outdoor dining. Great! But unfortunately the tables are way too close together for me to feel comfortable. They’re picnic tables and if people from two tables tried to stand up at get out at once, they’d bump each other. In fact, 90% of Americans would be hard pressed to get up and out without bumping someone at the other table.

Meanwhile there were huge outdoor pool parties right around me on Fourth of July weekend, and those pools have been in steady use ever since with minimal distancing and no masks.

The 7-day average of cases has gone from approximately 100 on 7/12 to approximately 135 on 7/23. They seem to be tracking based on the date the test was administered, so the last week shows a decline but it could just be because it hasn’t backfilled yet. This indicates in the neighborhood of 3% growth, and an R0 in the 1.15 to 1.20 range.

Of course you can’t attribute it to any one thing - it could be outdoor dining, outdoor drinking, pools, or the combination. My guess is that as administered, outdoor dining and pools are similarly safe, and outdoor drinking is the most risky because inebriation = reduced distancing. I am also guessing that with ACTUAL proper precautions, these things could all be done while keeping R0 ~ 1. Proper precautions would include proper distancing, masks whenever possible, and perhaps some plexiglass dividers for like the lounge chairs by pools and in between outdoor tables at restaurants.

So in that sense it’s somewhat encouraging. On the other hand, it does look like the cases last week are all above the 7 day average, which is bad news. Authorities are saying it’s due to family/in-home transmission. So it’s possible the lack of an initial increase was simply due to missing asymptomatic cases in healthy 20-somethings who were out partying, and now we’re seeing that they actually were pozzing the fuck out of each other.

Unfortunately they have now also opened up gyms with some restrictions that are of course not being followed. There are capacity limits, you’re supposed to keep your distance, and masks are required at all times. I walked past our gym the other day and counted 7 people, 5 with masks, but two pairs of two within 6 feet of each other… They could be from the same household, though.

The day before that there were two people in there, both had masks, but one was chin strapping it as she did her sets. GJGE!

Random other absurd tidbit: masks are NOT allowed in the pool, because they’re a risk of drowning. Look, I get it, but it’s not like people are trying to swim laps in a fucking mask. 99% of people in the pool are chilling, drinking a beer, hanging in the hot tub, etc. Do they really think that adults are too stupid to pull the mask off if it gets soaked?

Then again, it’s 2020 in America so maybe the answer to “Do they really think that adults are too stupid to (literally anything)?” is just yes, absolutely yes.

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Discord seems like the weirdest name for a thing that does what it does. Or extremely clever, I suppose.


In my case I’m talking a lot of aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Like normally I’d see them 1-3 times a year, and then in between it’s great to keep up a bit with their updates and shoot them a congrats or reach out and see if they need any help based on what they are posting on FB. Many of them are 60+ and are probably well past the time where they could adopt any sort of new social network that wasn’t extremely similar to what they’re currently using.

Right, perhaps. Best, I’m not so sure. I have likely changed a few minds about a few political issues on FB in the last four years. Me quitting would mean fuck all to Zuck, so unless there’s a significant movement to do so that has some traction, me being on there is probably a net positive for the world.

If there was a collective action to get millions of people to quit until changes are made, I’d deactivate. Until then, I’m a drop in the bucket. Admittedly this is the opposite of how I look at things like door knocking and text banking, so maybe I’m just being selfish and/or too attached to FB. I’ve been on it since Fall 2004, so it’s been a huge part of socializing and keeping in touch with people for a long time.

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Fair enough :+1: