COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

So no school for England?


So many freed from having to eat their pudding.


I am American.

Making assumptions is always a bad idea. For example, I wouldn’t assume you’re Canadian because of your user name especially given your posting here.


Nah, we mostly watch the Olympics to cheer on USA#1. We have to go out of our way to even be able to watch the events live because NBC tape delays everything so they can get better ratings when everybody watches Michael Phelps or whoever the new hotness is.

I always find it amusing to listen to Russian hockey players speaking English with a Canadian accent.



Just the former is the English initialism for the country while the latter is the Russian initialism.

I was actually planning to travel to Russia this summer but covid hit and threw a wrench into that. For years, I’ve been curious about what it’s really like rather than what the media presents. As it was clearly pointed out by Russians who live in Baltic states, they are very different from Russians who live in Russia. One person can’t say I know about Russia because I can see it from my country. I guess Sarah Palin can but she doesn’t count.

Of course the image of Russia and Russians in the Czech Republic is pretty bad.

Nuke Facebook


Shit, there is a lot of vaccine skepticism in the Czech Republic too.

From the article:

Given how quickly this vaccine is rushing through the testing process, I’d wait for a bit myself even though I have faith in vaccination. Let’s see what happens to the first group before taking the stab myself.

Gates went to Harvard not Cornell

And Fauci is 15 years older than Gates so unlikely to be roommates when their schools were 275 miles apart.



You are being conditioned and controlled!


Mark Inch, Secretary of the Florida Department of Corrections, at the State Capitol, May, 1, 2019. Inch and Deputy Secretary Ricky Dixon tested positive for COVID-19 after visiting Columbia Correctional Institution.

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Required response

Shut the fuck up

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So my wife and I have both recently jumped in to some Facebook arguments about COVID. It is AMAZING how thin-skinned these people are. They post completely moronic articles (including the Stella Immanuel video) or opinions and then when someone calls them on their bullshit, they just pull out their fainting couches. “Well I never! You just can’t post an opinion on here without getting bullied!”

Just an incredible bunch of snowflakes.


South Carolina today:
~1500 cases
18.5% positive
39 deaths
Hospitalizations down
ICU down
Ventilators down

We have reason not to trust any hospitalization numbers, however the fact that case numbers and deaths are down (tests are down too but access to testing has been going up) make me optimistic

However all this goes out the window in two weeks because schools open up across the state

Looks like we’re favoring children’s mental health and education instead of bars and indoor dining. Crazy stuff, eh?

What the WH can learn from this? Even in countries with graphs that have actual ‘waves’ (like up and down; not up, across, up) you’re gonna need to ‘sacrafice’ gyms, cinema, bowling, bars, large funerals, church, kids camps etc. before kids get anything like a normal life back.

Hopefully our cases will stay low enough and we’ll shut the non-essential shite like public rooms to get beered in, for the kids to return as planned start of September.

My views will be different to yours as our curve is different and many of the countries on our continent have opened schools months ago without the case rate increasing - it’s only now, one month after the relaxing of travel, non-essential retail, pubs and restaurants opening that we’re seeing cases rise.

I think it would shock a lot of Americans how anti-science much of Europe is. GMOs are banned/fought. Tons of love for traditional asian medicine. Lots of anti-vaxx.

They’re also more precautionary in general. No flouride in the water is an example.

By Americans, do you mean North Americans and South Americans as a European, who shares the continent with 50 different countries might assume - hint, many of the 50 countries have different views / cultures. A Bolivian may have different views to your average CA resident.

Nope, Flouride is in UK tap (faucett) water - we even add this naturally occuring mineral to drinking supply in some areas.

Huge Covid-Deniers rally in Europe (Germany) today

My fav response to a response I gave them

Well you have your opinions and I have my opinions and who knows who’s right??

Im right you fucking dumb ■■■■

Of course I can’t say that since it’s my cousin but it’s so dumb.

They are so dumb they don’t even know they are dumb.