COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Narrator: It didn’t come down to the wire.


I think he said 300k Puerto Ricans, so only like 190k real Americans. Awval should be on the trump train for another 40 days or so.

I wonder what he spent his $20 on. Maybe some nice masks? Hand sanitizer? Flowers for his grandmother’s funeral?


awval’s greatest passion in life is collecting airlines miles on his credit cards, which are of course now basically worthless.


Re hiring collage grads. A lot of it is about strong filters. I.e. what criteria can you include that will tell you with high certainty something about the hire.

Collage, while not perfect, is a very strong filter. Many places you are silly not to, unless you can find equally strong criteria to measure for non grads.

It’s about uncertainty and probability. Plus understanding that NOT hiring someone who could in fact do the job well doesn’t really have any cost.

Weren’t we supposed to get a big middle class tax cut right after the 2018 election? Going back to the well, I see.

Your predictions are what I’ve been subscribing to as most reasonable.


You don’t say…


I was one of the people saying cruise lines would recover, that they had survived terrible shit before like poopshipgate and sidewaysboatdrunkcaptaingate and always landed on their feet.

But I looked at Carnival’s quarterlies today and LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. There is no coming back from this. The industry is D-E-D.

4.5 billion net loss in a single quarter and a 6500% decrease in net profit margin year over year. I cant believe their stock is still north of $10. They wont sail until 2021 at the earliest and they are burning 700 million in cash every month they are docked

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I gotta say I have a lot of anxiety when out in public now because I’m trying to extra hard to just mind my own business and not freak out at everybody who is not wearing their mask properly or social distancing or whatever. I don’t want to be the pizza place freak out guy so I try so hard not to that I basically am reverse pizza place freak out weirdo probably.

it’s like having road rage, you’re not making the world a better place by flipping off someone they aren’t about to learn how to drive you’re just feeding your own ego. I could find something to argue about every single time I go to the store. I could find an employee not wearing their mask properly and chew them out or I could get mad at someone for standing too close to me in line.

I went to an actual dine in restaurant today for the first time in months and we walk in and my mom sees people eating inside and the first thing she says is “oh do you want to eat inside it looks quiet in here” and instead of saying “no you idiot you can’t dine inside restaurants remember? These are employees on their lunch break. No I don’t know why their managers are letting them eat inside they should probably be fired” I just said I wanted to eat outside on the patio. Like damn it took me less than 5 seconds to walk in and regret coming to a restaurant.


You just need to find some passive-aggressive way of dealing with the maskless. They say that you shouldn’t be able to smell a fart if you wear a mask properly. (Or is it just suzzer who says that.) Well eat your beans and broccoli and let rip those noxious farts that you normally hold in out of respect for the people around you. Punish their asses or, rather, their noses with your own personal chemical weapons attack.

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The 7/22-7/28 measurement period is the lowest SDI week for the U.S. as a whole since 6/3-6/9. There was a huge spike in cases 2 weeks later and by the following week weekly cases had doubled from the week of 6/3-6/9. This puts U.S. SDI 8 points below target, which means we are primed for a huge explosion in cases within the next 3 weeks unless we really have managed to just ‘burn this out’ and are sitting at near our daily max right now.

Here’s the SDI grade book for the week of 7/22-7/28.

The Good (at or above target SDI):

District of Columbia (19 weeks, 1 week under at worst 3/11-3/17), Kansas (6 weeks, 3 weeks under at worst)

The Bad (2-4 weeks below target SDI):

New York (4 weeks, 1 week 7 below target SDI), Utah (4 weeks), Maryland (4 weeks), Minnesota (4 weeks, 1 week 5 below target SDI), Colorado (4 weeks), Connecticut (4 weeks, 2 weeks 5+ below target SDI), Maine (4 weeks), Wyoming (4 weeks), Alabama (3 weeks, 1 week 5 below target SDI), Rhode Island (3 weeks, 1 week below target SDI), Florida (3 weeks, 1 week 7 below target SDI), South Carolina (3 weeks), Mississippi (3 weeks, 1 week 5 below target SDI), New Hampshire (3 weeks)

The Ugly (5 weeks or more below target SDI):

Alaska (10 weeks, 1 week 7 below target SDI), Arkansas (12 weeks, 3 weeks 5+ below target SDI), California (9 weeks, 1 week 7 below target SDI), Indiana (10 weeks, 3 weeks 5+ below target SDI), North Carolina (13 weeks, 3 weeks 11+ below target SDI), Massachusetts (8 weeks, 3 weeks 5+ below target SDI), Illinois (9 weeks,4 weeks 5+ below target SDI), United States (10 weeks, 3 weeks 5+ below target SDI), Ohio (9 weeks), Oklahoma (13 weeks, 3 weeks 5+ below target SDI), Washington (9 weeks, 8 weeks 5+ below target SDI, 1 week 12 below SDI), New Jersey (8 weeks, 3 weeks 5+ below target SDI, 1 week 12 below target SDI), Iowa (10 weeks), Wisconsin (10 weeks, 3 weeks 5+ below target SDI), Michigan (8 weeks, 1 week 5 below target SDI), Kentucky (10 weeks, 3 weeks 5+ below target SDI), Oregon (9 weeks, 1 week 8 below target SDI), South Dakota (10 weeks), West Virginia (11 weeks, 1 week 6 below target SDI), North Dakota (11 weeks), Hawaii (9 weeks, 6 weeks below target SDI), Missouri (10 weeks, 1 week 6 below target SDI), Nebraska (9 weeks, 3 weeks 5+ below target SDI), Georgia (2 weeks, 1 week 7 below target SDI)

Off the Wagon (1 week below target SDI):

Nevada (-6), Arizona (-4), Texas (-3), Tennessee (-2), Pennsylvania (-2), New Mexico (-4), Delaware (-2), Vermont (-1), Louisiana (-2), Virginia (-3), Idaho (-3), Montana (-2)


-Last week I thought it was possible I would move the target SDI of Tennessee and Kansas unless their cases started slowing as I expected they would. Their cases did slow, so I’ve kept the target SDI at the same place it was in the previous measurement period.
-Just two places remained at or above their target SDI this measurement period.
-12 states were below their target SDI 1 week.
-14 states are 2-4 weeks below their target SDI.
-24 states and the United States as a whole are 5 weeks or more below their target SDI.
-The most alarming places that are 5 or more points below their target SDI are New York, Minnesota, Connecticut, Alabama, Rhode Island, Florida, Mississippi, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Indiana, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Illinois, Oklahoma, Washington, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Michigan, Kentucky, Oregon, West Virginia, Hawaii, Nebraska, and Georgia. In other words, there’s a lot of alarming stuff.
-The effects of this stuff will start being felt as early as next week in places that have always not done great and probably as late as 2 weeks after that for places that have had some good SDI. For places that are already high heat, the growth will probably be bigger but not anything massive (hopefully).


It’s cute when Euros try to talk about “most americans” because they’re always wrong. Most Americans have no idea what the fuck Czechoslovakia is/was. They’ve literally never heard the word before in their lives.

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Sadly you’re probably correct. I’m remembering the “hungry is a country?” girl

Don’t get me wrong there’s several African and micro island countries I’ve never heard of, too. Once you add in historic names like Burma or Bombay or Czechoslovakia you’re going to get blank stares from anyone under a certain age / not into politics.

Pretty sure hes an American simply living in Czechoslovakia


The Olympics are pretty popular, I would imagine lots of Americans would ar least heat the names of countries that way.

I loved the 2002 gold medal hockey match between Tuvalu and Comoros! Mauritius is my favorite squadron!


Mauritius has always had an awful power play. Probably because they dont have skates.

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Scientific adviser thinks England may have to close pubs to reopen schools

In the face of rising infections in England, many are wondering how schools will be impacted as they prepare for the autumn term.

England’s chief medical officer said yesterday that sending children back to school was an “absolute priority” - but he warned there could be trade-offs needed to reopen society.

This morning, a member of the government’s scientific advisory group, Professor Graham Medley, suggested pubs in England may need to shut in order for schools to open next month.

He said: "I think we’re in a situation whereby most people think that opening schools is a priority for the health and wellbeing of children, and that when we do that we are going to reconnect lots of households.

“And so actually, closing some of the other networks, some of the other activities, may well be required to enable us to open schools.”

The disease-modelling expert added: “It might come down to a question of which do you trade off against each other - and then that’s a matter of prioritising, do we think pubs are more important than schools?”