Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

Stossel’s delivery is very good. If you’re the kind of person who is into libertarianism for the feeling of self satisfaction that comes from knowing that the so called “experts” are just making everything worse, then his style is perfect. He really invites you in to be part of the exclusive few that see The Truth About Government. Heck, I’ll even give him a teensy tiny amount of credit as a journalist - he will go out and do the work of finding examples of cartoonish government waste and unintended consequences.


If this was the mid-19th century, he’d be the guy talking about how slavery is great for the economy because it lowers the plantation owner’s overhead costs.

Seems relevant now to repost this. A few weeks ago I had enough of this moron and turned one of his lame centrist bullshit Facebook posts into like a 60 comment shit fest that ended with all his friends saying I was drunk or a crying baby that needed a nap and that I was a partisan idiot who can’t see both sides.


I’ve been waiting 7 weeks to zing cuse for this post and finally got my chance! sorry cuse!




You waited seven weeks to zing me on that? That’s a lot of waiting to Photoshop a tweet lol…

Called my dad and step-mom the other day. I told them I was mostly hunkered down and staying safe and that I needed to get over to see them. They bragged about going to a 70-head wedding with no masks or social distancing and EVERYTHING’S JUST FINE LIBRUULS! Ok. Maybe I don’t need to get over there to see them.

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Canadian neo-libs and cons here are still worried about the disease. Deniers are mostly the tiny fringe of conspiracy nuts, poor people out in the sticks where there’s no population density, and the dumbest of Albertans.

My racist aunt is still wearing a mask and not letting any poors into her house. Most upper class people are still taking this disease very seriously, at least in private.

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I got invited to my nephew’s third birthday gathering, there won’t be any masks whatsoever. It’s supposed to be a very small group but I missed the first and second birthdays so I’m feeling a lot of pressure to go. If I don’t go I sense that side of the family is pretty close to writing me off completely.

Maybe I’ll draw a happy compromise and come, drop off a gift, say my hellos and bail and apologize (even though I shouldn’t).

If I had just been more conscientious and diligent about attending events when there wasn’t covid I wouldn’t be in this predicament.

They’re deplorable but not bad people so I keep them in my life but it’s getting harder and harder to.

Show up in a mask/full hazmat. Keep your distance. Say hi. Maybe sing a little. Have some prewrapped desserts or ice cream and go home.

Have a similar event for one of my favorite Aunt’s 60th in a few weeks. My wife isn’t going because it would be impossible to distance our little one around their cousins. The group >40 are deplorables who are I’m sure haven’t taken any precautions whatsoever. The younger crowd swings smarter but gets roped in as it’s more of their immediate family.

I’ll be attending but staying outside as I know there will be a fire pit I can keep warm at. Will absolutely not be pressured to give the normal hugs/kisses to folks. Is there an outdoor option for you?

My 90 yr old gram who was an RN for 50 years understands the risk but she’s told me that at her age if she’s gotta go she’s gotta go and would rather spend what time is left like normal. I tend to disagree but I’m not gonna argue with her.

I already did that exact move to get out of the last gathering they invited me to. So I’m quite in a predicament here.

I have no issue being rude really - they already think I’m an asshole. But last time I did this excuse my sister and nephew were both really upset. my sister really wants me to go and disappointing her (and the nephew) again just doesnt seem like a choice anymore. Especially since my sister has a brand new 2 month old i havent even seen yet.

At the same time I do have close friends I’ve been seeing who are following similar protocols as I am and we’ve established somewhat of a circle of trust, and I feel I’d be violating it to go to this thing.

Are you willing to isolate from the pod for two weeks if you go to a non-pod event?

Yea they’re gonna bitch about it but seems like it’s the only option there

I hear you. That sucks, but that’s what I’d do if you go. Two weeks will go by fast! And perhaps this is the crack in your armor that will help all of you in the family feel good about the relationships if you otherwise continue to distance after this.

As far as that question, do you think this will make a difference for the next event? Or do you think you will likely face this decision every time you receive an invitation?

It’s gonna just keep happening until whenever this is over. They’ve collectively decided that they’re just gonna continue life like normal, and deride me (to my face - I cant imagine what theyre saying behind my back) for being too cautious.

So I don’t really get a break even though I’m a lifelong smoker (quit now) with a history of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia hospitalizations, and high blood pressure. I’m so prone to pneumonia that even regular flu season freaks me out a bit.

My sister even jumped on the bandwagon and she’s more sensible than most deplorables - she told me last time “it’s 99% survival rate you know” to which I responded “not for the 1% it wasn’t.” And we’ve barely talked since then.

But yea to Johnny’s point it really sucks that the world has just collectively decided for us to continue like there’s no pandemic. I am pretty sure if I get sick I’ll have complications.

Doesnt stop me from golfing, sure - the risk from golfing is probably equivalent to one of these gatherings, I think? But when I golf I’m close to nobody, wearing a mask, and everyone’s distanced and it’s outside. This is gonna be indoors with people with no masks who have taken zero precautions.


No way. An indoor gathering is significantly riskier than golf.

Situations like this suck. It’s so shitty that we are the ones being ostracized for doing what is right not only for us but for everyone else. Show up late, wear a mask, and leave as soon as you can after singing happy birthday. Give your nephew an extra nice gift, he’s got a tough road ahead of him that might include dead relatives.