COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

I got as far as Bill Gates at Cornell before I knew the rest would be nonsensical bullshit and stopped. The stuff before might be false too, idk. [Oh, wait, lol fed vaccine law.] Why can’t they stick to facts and manufacture a conspiracy around them? More convincing imo.

I googled this and accidentally stumbled upon Chiefsplanet 2.0.

What % of Corvette Forum posters do you think support Trump?

Answer: Only click this link if you hate yourself

Almost all of them, fervently


I wish. Until a replacement comes out that has the grouping and event planning functions that FB has, it’s pretty tough for an organizer to delete it. So many people are on there and that’s their only social media, that reaching them and getting them involved in events can only be done through FB.


Another random COVID thought: the number of people on my timelines or who I know taking vacations is insane. One of my exes who is very intelligent and says she’s taking tons of precautions is currently on vacation in South Carolina. A liberal poker dealer is on vacation in Florida on the heels of a vacation in Vegas. A Trumpy poker dealer just went to Vegas. My friends parents (father reasonable, mother Trumper Plandemic type) are in Turks and Caicos.

Throw out all the models. I fear we’re in for another huge upward step/spike as all the COVIDiots, including the liberals “taking it seriously” partake in that sweet sweet hotspot tourism and bring those cases home.

I honestly can’t think of any other “speciality” hobbyist group that would support Trump more than Corvette owners. Maybe, MAYBE Harley Davidson people.


Damn chiefsplanet has a ton more liberals in their DC forum than the one guy this forum seems to have.

Interestingly, there doesn’t even seem to be a covid thread in their non-political OffTopic forum: Apparently covid discussion has been relegated to politics, which is a way to kill it. I’d bet there are a decent # of non-right-wing CorvetteForum posters who just never go into the politics section - same as CP.

Chiefsplanet has this non-political covid thread in the Lounge, which is actually kind of subversive for the site mods to do. In the past the formula goes - 1) some topic comes up with political overtones, 2) Trumper DC morons stir up shit, 3) mods move thread to DC where the Trumper zombies can swarm it with crying baby memes and gaslighting BS.

It’s gonna take a crazy amount of political willpower to do the right thing again because doing so would be extremely unpopular and even worse an acknowledgement of failure on their part. People understandably hated the lockdown but also saw it as necessary. Now they get a taste of life outside of one only to be put back in again. They’ll lose their shit. There already were a couple of local protests here. A countrywide lockdown will bring about protests all over the country.

Here in the CR they plan to mandate masks on public transport but not until September. Don’t want people to be uncomfortable in the hot weather apparently (seriously that was the reason given). Otherwise, that’s it.

Exotic game hunters.


Doomsday preppers.


They’re not trying to convince anybody of anything, they’re bored misanthropes competing to see who can spread the most bullshit.

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Vaccine is here! (Not really. Well, maybe. Who knows?)

The ingredients arrive by mail, to be prepared by recipients in their homes or labs. No, this isn’t a DIY meal kit — it’s an unproven COVID-19 vaccine distributed by a group called the Rapid Deployment Vaccine Collaborative, or RADVAC, and no one knows if it actually works, MIT Technology Review reported.

The collaborative, composed of more than 20 scientists, technologists and “science enthusiasts,” some affiliated with Harvard University and MIT, did not seek authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before designing their vaccine, or before spraying it up their own noses. Nor did the group seek approval from any ethics board before launching the project and volunteering as their own test subjects in what could potentially be seen as an unofficial clinical trial, according to MIT Technology Review. They have also distributed materials for the vaccines to dozens in their social circles.

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This thread seems to have the few non-Trump fans rebelling against the forum a tiny bit:

If anyone has any illusions that the right-wing bubble is losing faith in Trump, this thread and that forum in general should disabuse the idea. They are so far in the bubble they don’t even seem to be aware of most of Trump’s massive, obvious covid fails.

Chiefsplanet DC forum has enough liberals always out there poking the right-wingers with a stick that they are at least aware of the slams against Trump’s covid response (that we assume anyone not living under a rock should be aware of).


These dumbfuck miracle cures are batting 0 for the pandemic so far. But maybe this is the one!

I want to say 2+2er Double Eagle posted on a Corvette forum.

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So now the nootropic crowd is doing covid vaccine vaporware too?

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Heritagenothate believes this, soros apparently worked for a Jewish Community group for a short time that the Nazis setup when they first took over, soros was like 16 at the time and left the group soon after. He may or may not have helped collect Jewish property or something during that time, as a 16 year old. So yea big time nazi lul

He’s a Holocaust survivor for the extra fucked uppedness

I reactivated mine to follow local BLM events and protests. Then I deleted it and followed the OKC chapter’s twitter feed.

Facebook is one of the worst things to ever happen to modern society. I don’t remember who made the point, but someone pointed out that “back in the day”, people were kept from holding insane, nonsensical views because of local societal pressure. Now every bullshit idea has a niche community online where these views are reinforced in an echo chamber(flat earthers, Qanon, etc). Imagine how much smoother the handling of this pandemic would be without Facebook. Way fewer anti vax, anti science, pro lib owning dipshits espousing their views to all their friends and family.

@anon38180840, I have the phone numbers of all the aunts and cousins and shit I actually care to talk to. Phone calls and texts still exist.


WW2 “historical” enthusiasts.

Here in NYC, since July 5 the city has been as “open for business” as it is going to get anytime soon. I’m thankful that we’ve been able to maintain a low and steady positivity rate, but I’m also worried that schools opening up is going to fuck everything up. Graphs below are for the whole state, but most of this is driven by NYC.


I’ve encountered so much of this lately. My go to response now is “may I suggest you Google ‘Dunning-Kruger Effect’ and spend the rest of the day contemplating how it might apply to you.”