COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL



What is a sewage survery?

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Looking for the virus in sewage. They are guessing how many people are sick by how much virus is in the sewage.

Or an unflattering though possibly accurate description of Elko County.


This this this!!!

This is what I think drives me and the rest of us here so freaking crazy. We know what is happening and we are PRETTY SURE of what needs to be done at this point, but we are expected to show deference to a vocal minority of certified idiots who don’t have a goddamned clue and it’s just frustrating as hell man.

I’m sick of there being two Americas in theory alone. I’m seriously ready to divide the fucking thing in half and let them run theirs the way they truly think it should be run, with all that would come with it.


She has a fourth grader, a second grader, and a first grader. I don’t doubt life is hard with everyone stuck inside. I don’t doubt that it’s had a negative impact on her kids’ education and mental health. But like I said earlier, as parents that stuff is now our job. For most of us, me definitely included, it’s going to mean putting much more work and much more time into our kids. Most days I see this additional interaction as a blessing. Some days it feels like a curse. And some days I’m content with accepting it’s just going to be a video games and YouTube day.

And I actually agree with “people are going to bars while schools are closed?” But obviously the bars should be closed, so.


What good news has there been to shoot down? We are six months in and everyday theses morons go maskless,spread their BS on SM and generally turn themselves into biological weapons, the people doing the correct things suffer more. Everyone one of us is a weapon at this point. Many choose to make their weapon deadly by not wearing masks and going to fukkin trump rallies.


Varies so much with the age of the kids. My friends with little kids are having a much harder time. My oldest is away and we haven’t seen enough of her so that sucks, but my youngest is 18 and I’m spending a ton of time with her and it’s awesome. Normally she’d be at school or with her friends most of the time. Your kids are a bit in between.

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I don’t think there is a good way to divide the country in half, but neither can continue as we are now.

…[the agitation] will not cease, until a crisis shall have been reached, and passed.

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half [deplorable] and half free.

I do not expect the Union to be dissolved – I do not expect the house to fall – but I do expect it will cease to be divided.

It will become all one thing or all the other.

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Not even a soorry?!

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Another record high in Japan–355 infections–the first day of 300 or more.

Yea this shit is going on everywhere. Here they are not only petitioning to go back in person but also no masks. #mykidmychoice #unmask

Unfortunately, like everything else so far, we are going to learn this very obvious lesson the hard way. And kids are probably going to be paying for it the rest of their lives.


Nope. I’ve watched too many covid patients die to ever say deserve. I get that this Is largely playing out on world of meters for most of us here, But it’s pretty damn personal to some of us.


This reopen-the-school shit is like a perfect microcosm of why and how this entire thing has been so fucked up. There is a legitimate need to get kids back to social environments, yes–I am sure that this is delaying their growth in some way. But the pressure isn’t due to fucking Republicans caring about kids, that’s all bad-faith bullshit. (Just look at how they treat school funding.) This pressure is because the leadership of this country refuses to pay people money to protect themselves because it is bought and paid for by giant corporations that rely on the labor of the parents of these children as their source of profit. Like so many fucking issues in this pandemic, this would be solved by just giving people some fucking money and increasing the availability of testing/tracing. But instead the GOP has distracted millions of Americans with the shiny object of “MUH RIIIIGHTS” and here we fucking are, pretending that we’re reopening schools for the good of the children when really we’re just going to worsen the pandemic, all so that the parents can return to their bullshit jobs without the hassle of dealing with their asshole kids all day.


Well both the population and land area are much larger than they were back then, that helps. I think those statements were more true in 1860 than they are today, if they still are at all.

Soorry, not soorry.


Hang in there Will. I know you guys are doing a hard thing and also risking your own lives. I’ve heard enough from my wife and seen her break down from both the work environment and also seeing the cases rising and knowing hell is coming to know at least a little bit how bad you guys have it.

I keep coming back to what exactly are we gaining from this whole OPEN FOR BUSINESS bs. The economy is in ruins, businesses are failing anyways and a lot of jobs are not coming back. All for a couple months of bars, cracker barrel and what exactly?

The dumbest and most ironic thing is if we had just stayed locked down another 4-6 weeks the economy would be better, kids might not have to miss school and health care workers wouldn’t be facing absolutely horrible conditions for another 6-12 months minimum.


The country is so brainwashed that they don’t even consider the option that the government could just pay people to stay home to defeat this thing, even though that is what almost every other first world country has done.


Much harder with younger kids. I have a friend with a 5 year old and a baby in an apartment in Brooklyn. Just crazy.

But, the mental health stuff becomes more of an issue once the kids are more sentient. My 15 year old has days where it’s pretty precarious. They had just decided to dedicate their life to theater and worked their ass off to get into this theater school and now they wonder if live theater will ever exist again. And you can’t tell a 15 year old who thinks they’ve discovered their life’s passion that most of us thought that at 15 and most of us were wrong. Well, you can, but they don’t take it well.