COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Wife was doing a 10-week internship at a medical facility to finish her master’s degree. A couple of weeks before she’s done and two staff members tested positive for COVID. She got tested last week and it came back negative.

Then this week several more patients and staff tested positive, including some who she had close contact with. So, she ended her internship but now we’re sweating bullets. We’ll go get tested tomorrow and then wait 3-4 days for our results.

Sucks because she loved her internship and because she has a job lined up to start in 3 weeks and hopefully this doesn’t get in the way.

Good time to use my ONE TIME!


Even worse than not considering it, we’re actively rejecting it! “OMG can you believe some people are now making more to stay at home than they would make working?!?” YES YOU FUCKING IDIOT THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT.


That’s exactly the thing we should be doing! And we have the means to do it! Butnahhh free market or bust. Ffs

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The only difference between now and March in the USA is that their is enough PPE for Frontline workers.

It turns out Canada is having a day as well :eyes:

Cliffs:. 73-year-old man refuses to wear a mask in a grocery, gets belligerent, cops arrive, he leaves in an apparent police chase that’s called off for safety concerns, so they roll up to his house and shoot him


Like fine, fuck it, pay the business owners too. I’m completely resigned to shoveling money to rich people, just give it to regular people too!



This is very true at least for now. I do think also back in May/June a lot of hospitals did not have many Covid patients and now they do. My wife’s hospital for example has 40 ICU beds in their system. At the end of May they had zero cases, mid-June they had 5, last week they had 21 and this week they have 36.

As that number rises the stress, risk and horror you face increases as well. When there were only a few cases per shift it wasn’t that bad. When you are literally working in an almost entirely covid ward it is quite bad.

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Well not really. We don’t have enough for record outbreaks in multiple states. We are going to be severely rationing again soon.


Hospitals are also a little better at dealing with COVID patients now, but that’s barely a silver lining.

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I don’t want to make a stupid thank you healthcare workers post, but I just wanna say I appreciate you as a human being. Not just for your job but from your posting you seem like a good egg.

If they day comes when moms catches this and I can’t be there with her in the end, I hope she has a doctor like you at least.


The consensus vibe I get from this thread is people are very pissed off as this was preventable and predictable. Personally, if one of the science denying morons that helped cause this mess ends up dying from it then I will have absolutely no sympathy for them.


Oh yeah. The only thing making me feeling remotely good about the situation is that the Trump supporters are badly outnumbered and declining demographically. I don’t really expect them to stop being a problem in my lifetime though.

We should have a walk-away point if rich people ask for too much. We can’t let them think this is a hostage negotiation where they can ask for whatever doesn’t violate their own personal moral code.

One theory is that it is tough to defeat an insurgency that can gain the support of 15-25% of the people. Is there any chance that facts on the ground can push hardcore Trump supporters below that range in your lifetime?

The govt. was paying people to stay home and then Dumb Donny got out there and said, ‘we can’t pay people to stay home, why are we doing that?’ or some such thing…

It’s not even brainwashing at this point. It’s that he’s actively undermining anything that would stop this thing while wanting to turn the whole country into a death cult. DeSantis and Kemp had the world’s worst response to COVID-19, but their constituents bailed them out by doing the right thing. They’re not doing that anymore and the giant swiss cheese styled holes in these guys’ brains that leads them to think this way is going to get a ton of people killed. They both belong in prison. The number 3 worst response was Abbott, but even he has relented to the point of not getting in the way anymore.

I saw a Trump 2020 NO TO SOCIALISM t shirt today

The lying deep-state CDC is at it again

I’ll give you credit… you’re really clever with words. There’s a lot of meaning packed into these two sentences.

In other news the people who wanted to ban you because they were worried you’d make the rest of us maybe look like terrorists… they were only wrong because most people wouldn’t wring all the meaning out of those two sentences.

And let this be a lesson to the rest of you. Before Martin Luther there was this other guy whose name escapes me who criticized the church very explicitly… but in latin and only distributed to other theology professors and priests. He got a slap on the wrist and died a member in good standing of the elite of the church if I remember correctly. His work was a major influence for Martin Luther I believe (can’t believe I can’t remember this dude’s name… very important point about how the audience for what you’re saying matters a lot, as does how you say it, when it comes time for getting punished for not keeping your mouth shut.)

You’re going to say that it’s much easier to go viral today than it was then, but you’d be incorrect. This shit got read by everyone who mattered inside the most powerful institution in Europe.

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Hopefully not in your closet