COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Shared by the deplorable friend of a friend. I mean, seriously? Like, they weren’t even being ironic.



Anything to get the kids out of the house I guess. Jesus.

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I agree. Every one of these biological death weapons slash propaganda machines that gets neutralized brings me joy. These people deserved to die. These people could have breathed or coughed on your loved ones and ruined your lives. These weapons are off the street. They are no longer encouraging others to weaponize their bodies to harm and kill us.

How can we view hoaxers and anti maskers as anything short of deadly weapons at this point?

I just gave a Hokie a heart. 2020 truly is one fucked up year.

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I mean, sure my kids can be annoying when I’m trying to work, but I can’t imagine sending them back to school, let alone demanding other people do so. Modern American conservatism is a mental illness. These people have lost all perspective.


Grunching a whole lot replies prolly on this topic but I’d like to see specific examples whenever the general consensus itt has been pessimistic and wrong.

A very good chunk of what people have called good news has turned out to be bullshit or framed in a less than honest way. Current examples is lower deaths per case when it’s just lag (and per the Atlantic article I posted a bit longer lag than March because testing was way behind the spread then).

Personally I’m bullish on a vaccine in 2021 that substantially helps even if not perfect in terms of effectiveness and durable protection.

I’m also hopeful that some combo of regulations and fear will drive behavior in the right direction to limit spread. More and better treatments are being developed all the time.

I completely get the feel their is a knee jerk negativity. However it’s not paranoia when they are actually out to get you and right now the Virus and the Trumptards are out to get us. The virus is a very formidable opponent but when allied with ignorance and DeVosian malfeasance it’s pretty damn impossible to beat.


At the poker table, aside from Wild Bill, the range of outcomes usually doesn’t involve death. Tournament life not = actual life. Changes my horizon considerably.

Perfect example. In the south with working class people catering to working class customers. They all wore masks. This would make a great public service commercials to get everyone


109 cases here yesterday. Most since May! 20-40 year olds making up majority. Not great. Luckily we have only 800 total cases still.

Well after last week’s shitstorm I caused, my family decided to tell me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Brother called and came to visit outside Ofcourse and he brought over some nice masks for me, and replacable filters, it’s actually a very decent mask that does not steam my glasses up, cool as.

Young niece had Covid-19, she moved into a new house in December, works as a radiographer in her local hospital.

It’s possible she has infected her boyfriend too. Her mother, FIL, sister 16, brother, 12 as they had it too, my SIL is still very weak and quite ill. The 12 year old had it but was his usual self, no obvious symptoms.

Cousin & boyfriend had it, both work for the NHS, pharmacy and paramedics & both came down at around the same day, they were supposed to be married in August too. :cry:

Usually when the shits hitting the fire I’m the coolest person in the room, I’ve been in a few situations where I had to, lol I’m a night shift driver dealing with the public.

Aaaaaaand I’m stressed as fuck, tbh I didn’t know I could be more stressed than when watching a old firm title decider and I am and it’s not good.

Atm I can only look after myself and inform my parents, the rest of the family has the latest information from my cousin as it seems there now taking it seriously :thinking:

I feel quite sick tbh with myself for thinking my niece has infected her family as it may not have been the case because I know her mother too well, my SIL is my sister really, I know her better than anyone almost, 2 drinks when her daughters down with Covid-19 and she’s in a taxi going to her house blanket in tow, no amount of force would stop her.
Why does it have to be the good people who get the brunt of it, it’s pure fucking evil tbh, no wonder I don’t believe in God or religion, wouldn’t even say I’m a athiest, I just believe in nature and science, it’s simple a fire burns. :angry:

They say its the taking part that counts, and its correct, I haven’t contributed itt much at all, and it’s at this time I’d like to thank all who has :+1: Thanks :+1: True Hero’s don’t wear capes.


What I’d do for a cold beer tomorrow and listening to the busker in town for a day isn’t worth posting lol, but it’s a lot. :man_shrugging:


Yes Alberta.

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Our only two cases in Winnipeg were people returning from Calgary.

Melbourne Australia reporting a new high of over 400 cases today despite a week’s lockdown. Just goes to show how quickly things change once there is even slight community spread. We were on consistent low single digits cases now our fewest in a week is 140.

Wow didn’t know you had so few cases! Go Manitoba!

Hauling them off to death camps in ARK.

No, the govt was not paying people to stay home. There was an unemployment benefit that only went to certain people.

Not bad.


That previous “peak” is starting to look pretty small.

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They absolutely were paying the people who were unemployed to stay home, sorry. It didn’t get everyone, for sure, but that was its intent.

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Seems obvious what the death curve is going to do. Maybe the cfr is a bit lower. Even let’s say half April due to more testing and better outcomes. Still going to hit 2500 or 3000 per day.

Or are we being Debbie downers/ negative Nancys

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