COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

+1. I loved the rest of the FR but the city was just all cement banks and people watching people watching cars go by. The harbor was pretty cool via boat.


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Of course. But I’m just saying it’s nothing unusual or unexpected for a bunch of gamblers to fixate on discrete-outcome events as they unfold. It’s kind of our defining characteristic.

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what part of unconstitutional don’t you bros understand, bro?

I know my rights

Apparently all of it :face_with_monocle:

But I’ll settle for not understanding the parts I don’t like.

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so, not cheering this on is optimistic? I am confused where you are getting that I am optimistic. I am merely saying that I hope people aren’t sincerely cheering this on.

I’m one of the ones (only one?) who predicted 1M Americans within a year but I’m most definitely not rooting for it. I don’t care about I told you so. I care about the fact that if everyone wore masks we would save literally hundreds of thousands of lives. I care about what it’s doing to the economy because people don’t care about the greater good but only about their own selfish wants. I care that my children can’t go to school this fall because people in Georgia can’t social distance and wear masks to keep the cases down low enough.

It’s a slow motion car crash that we are watching unfold over many months while we are telling the driver to watch out and make a simple move to avoid most of it, but they don’t want to be told how to drive.

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All good points, but I don’t think you were the only one.

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At 1,100 deaths per million, the South and West would see 180,000 more deaths. Even at half the Northeast’s number, that’s another 69,000 Americans.

If, as some antibody-prevalence surveys suggest, 20 percent of New Yorkers were infected, that’s an infection-fatality rate of more than 1.3 percent, which exceeds what the CDC or anyone else is planning for. To put it in the same terms discussed here, New York City saw 2,780 deaths per million people. A similar scenario across the South and West would kill over 550,000 more Americans in just a few months, moving the country to 680,000 dead. It is unthinkable, and yet, 130,000 deaths—the current national death toll—was once unthinkable, too.

The CDC’s latest estimates in its planning scenarios range from 0.5 to 0.8 percent. Take that lower number and imagine that roughly 40 percent of the country becomes infected. That’s 800,000 lives lost.

As fellow poster Wichita has several times opined (I hope I am not misattributing the quote): deaths=infections+time

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I dont view it as cheerleading. It is a realization that their is no happy ending. There are no adults in the room. No one is coming to save you.


Pretty much. The formula I have used to estimate future deaths is:

Cases*cfr+time(3 weeks-4 weeks seems about right)=deaths

It is simplistic and relies on a good cfr estimate but it is what I have been using.

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I think people are anxious for the death totals to reach a point where the Red Devils have to stop their deplorable approach which ensures inevitable long term death and suffering. The sooner we reach a tipping point in deaths and unacceptable chaos in our hospitals, the sooner we will have a fighting chance to turn this around. The only shot we have at that is large #s of red state white people dying and getting sick. Nursing home residents and brown people dying have not been enough to get the GOP on board w saving our country. It’s almost like civil proxy war at times.

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The headline here really buries the lede (a ton of restaurant closures are occuring even though we are OPEN FOR BUSINESS)

Just to cheer you up.

This exact dynamic. I.e. Germans thinking they were winning the war until they lost it “suddenly”. Formed multiple conspiracy theories and the widespread grievances that led to hitler.

In other words. Even if trump loses. Buckle up.


If you are genuinely this fatalistic - the only sensical thing to do is to build a bunker and hide out there for a few years.

I think there’s a decent chance a vaccine comes in the next year, but am also realistically expecting this could go on for quite a while.

I’m not sure “deserve” isn’t the right word. A substantial chunk of our population actively votes for and supports straight up fascism and racism and evil. An even larger proportion stands by and apathetically does fuck all to stop it, by not voting or indeed not speaking up at all. Turnout on a MASSIVELY GOOD year is, what, 60%?

If it’s not “deserve” then what’s the right word?


I’m Canadian. My Province recently went 13 days without a new case. I haven’t talked to a single friend, coworker or family member who thinks opening the US/CAN border this year is a good idea.

We’re doing fine. You guys are fucked.


when the tone police says get into the bunker, you get into the damn bunker


Seeing this with wines where some stuff that is usually sold to restaurants (either exclusively or a large percent of production) is showing up at normal retailers. Unlike things like eggs and meat, at least the wine can be distributed through different networks and isn’t in danger of immediate spoilage.

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