COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

172 deaths from Arizona we are gonna have a bad day

Not down for celebrating deaths of even super deplorable shitstains like herman cain

That said, this one does not make me sad.


We almost broke 1500 deaths yesterday with 160 less deaths from Florida/Arizona. 1600+ is definitely in play today.

Who remembers this classic bit?

“We encourage politicians to continue to look to innovative games like SimCity for inspiration for social and economic change,” said Katsarelis. “While we at Maxis and Electronic Arts do not endorse any political candidates or their platforms, it’s interesting to see GOP candidate Herman Cain propose a simplified tax system like one we designed for the video game SimCity 4.”


Yes I like to base all of my policy decisions on SimCity


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This relates to an earlier point of yours, but I do sometimes feel like I edge too close to celebrating either the daily death count or the death of someone famous. I truly don’t feel good about anyone dying. But I have a burning desire to rub these rising numbers or this famous person’s death into the faces of the complete morons who have:

  • consistently denied the danger of this virus
  • pushed for opening for business despite increasing spread
  • protested my kids’ board of education to conduct in-person teaching despite the recommendation of the county board of health

I want them to admit their goddamned wrongness.


Which Republican politician is most likely to tweet out “RIP Herman Cain” with a picture of Ben Carson?


We’ve set the Darwin Award rules to ignore this. While technically correct, it really shrinks the nominee pool to those of reproductive age which is just too limiting.

—Self appointed head of the committee,

PS Herman was awarded his prize in the Trump thread.


I think I picked Aug 12 week to hit 7DRA of 2,000 so yeah, we will get there soon on a single day.

Ben Carson?



I guaran-fucking-tee that Trump’s tweet about this reads something like:

“I just heard that Herman Cain has passed away. SAD! Great patriot and he will be missed! The media is trying to blame my rally–FAKE NEWS! Given COVID by dem operative??”


Disagree. Herman Cain is going to be memory holed.

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Ofc Ben Carson is trending on twitter.


I decided to turn on Rush’s opening monologue to hear what he had to say about Cain. He spent 20 minutes talking about how the effectiveness of Hydroxy is being covered up by dirty Dems trying to exaggerate how dangerous Covid is and I turned it off.

How anyone listens to 3 hours of that garbage is beyond me.

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Is Trump even gonna Tweet anything about Herman Cain? Just gonna totally ignore his loyal lapdog?


I save my sympathies for all of the essential workers that Herman Cain infected while he was flying around the country with no mask. The most evil people in the country were paying for him to deny science and infect innocents.

Rest in piss bitch


At least Rush has a decent radio voice, one of my coworkers listens to Ben Shapiro and my God it’s like listening to a 12 year old.

Has anyone even seen a Godfather’s Pizza joint? I wonder if it’s all just a sophisticated tax dodge.