COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Ohh ohh, can I interest anyone in a detail about how when atheists dismiss the importance of theists’ religious traditions it’s harmful and toxic?!

(I kid, I kid)

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No derail from me. I modified my post a little to be less sarcastic and long ago gave up arguing about religion on the internet.

I’m simply saying if this thread is widely in favour of quarantine let’s not favour something like this anymore than we would a mega church gathering in Alabama which, I suspect, would be widely mocked itt.

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Religion is at the core of teaching the deplorables from a young age to not believe truth. The entire basis of religion is faith that what you believe is more important than anything based in fact.


Yes, but the Hajj is much more to Muslims than just a religious ceremony, as I’m sure you know - it confers status and is expected of every Muslim once in their life.

This is a terrible time to do it, obviously.

Pikuach nefesh should apply to social status and arbitrary expectations, too.

My reporter friend just told me that Herman Cain is dead From Covid

Haven’t seen it officially announced yet but didn’t want the slow pony




Wonder which of the 18263622 comorbidities the repubs will trot out in explaining the death.

That damn democratic hoax.

Well that’s at least one death linked to Trumps KKK rally. We all called it.


They’ll probably try to claim that Covid killed him because he was resisting arrest. Like many Urban Thugs, he was no saint!


does trump tweet condolences faster than for John Lewis and what does he say about it?

Looks like the pandemic is going to have lots of lasting negative effects that we’re going to have to deal with for decades. Especially if every other first world country keeps it under control while we spend years battling it. We’d probably see large irreversible shifts in the global economy and permanent reductions of GDP.

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Two guesses: 1) Donnie Dumb Dumb uses the phrase “credit to his race” to describe Herman Cain, and 2) Donnie Dumb Dumb includes exclamation points in the tweet to clarify that his condolences are very sincere and heart felt.


Our testing situation is absolutely fucked.

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They try to make me put a mask on
I said “Nein. Nein. Nein.”
I think I’ll be fine
With hydroxychloroquine
They try to make me put a mask on
I said “Nein. Nein. Nein.”


Now I’m not saying there’s definitely any funny business going on, but here’s the daily reported cases for travis county:

The last week looks… suspicious.


Boy Cain really owned the libs. I’d say RIP but really, it’s Darwin doing it’s job. Shruggie.gif


Holy shit Herman Cain got got. New biggest person to eat it?

Cain already has grown children with children of their own. Darwin failed.