COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

This whole right wing idiocy right now where they are all proudly talking about how the cases are going down ignores a few critical things:

  1. There have been increases in restrictions in most places especially the hardest hit ones.
  2. The 7DMA for cases nationwide peaked at 69,159 on July 25th. As of today it was 67,403 which is less than a 3% decline.
  3. Some states, most notably Florida and Texas, are testing less than they were two weeks ago.

They also conveniently seem to have forgotten all they cared about 2 weeks ago was the death rate.

That statement in combination with that graph is dumb even by American conservative pundit standards.


Things you hate to see.


Check out his wikipedia, seriously.

Pretty busy with family stuff so may not get back to this in detail for awhile.


Evictions start MONDAY.

Take away the unemployment boost and remove eviction moratorium at same time while closing stuff down and cases soaring and 40% of renters behind on payments and you have the perfect storm for surging homelessness.

And the Republican bill on Monday didn’t even mention evictions.

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The republicans have not done a single thing to address this upcoming shitstorm in 4 weeks. Fucking lol at every single person that casts one vote for these monsters.


It’s cruelty for cruelty’s sake.

It would be cheaper for the country to help now before evictions than post-evictions.

But we are gonna take the most expensive, most painful, most cruel, most monsterous path possible.

It’s like they are given the option of doing it the easy way or the hard way and they opt for door C, which is 10x worse than the hard way.


Ok, Georgia and Florida just extended eviction moratoriums so no evictions there on Monday. I haven’t yet found a list of states that haven’t extended.

We may be saved by the states.

This has been bubbling inside me for months, so I’m going to say it once to get it out of my system, then hopefully that’ll be that:

I do. I want them to die. Miserable and painful is optional.

I’m not going to lay out the case against them, I’ll just say this: The world will be a better place the day they’re gone. I wish for the world to be a better place.

I’m not trying to be an edgelord, but I’m not going to lie and say I’ll feel even the tiniest iota of pity for them when they die.


Right, like the only question is whether the replacements are going to be worse. Like of course I hope people like Trump drop dead, you could make a solid case that him being in office is responsible for tens of thousands of people drowning in their own lung fluid. Running countries isn’t a game.

The weirdest takes are stuff like “well I don’t want them to DIE, but I hope they suffer a little” because then they’re just admitting it’s motivated by spite. I don’t care if these guys suffer or not, it doesn’t matter. Painless death, just quitting their jobs and moving to Svalbard, it doesn’t matter to me as long as they’re not exerting life and death power over the population of a country.


I’m not 100 percent sure I did this right, but I created two graphs to show the theoretical similarities between what I’m calling Part 1 and Part 2 of the pandemic. I started the graphs with the most similar cumulative case total I could find (The Part 1 start is the cumulative total closest to the lowest daily new case total in Part 2). Pandemic Part 1 officially began March 11, but I’ve offset the start of the graph to March 19 so the two graphs start at roughly the same case total.

This is how I came to the adjustments I’ve made:

-Daily Positive Percentage of Part 1 vs. Part 2 to create the daily case number adjustment
-Test percentage of each day for Part 1 vs. Part 2 to create the adjustment based on testing difference
-Final adjustment is daily case number unadjusted+daily case number adjusted+adjustment for testing difference

If I didn’t offset the two data sets and just went with the official start of the pandemic of March 11, there would be about a 540k spread even with the adjustment across the first 42 days. With the offset, the spread is much smaller but is still relatively significant to my untrained eyes. Hopefully I did all of this right, but if I didn’t let me know.

It’s probably more than 50/50 imo. The fact he is making the rounds already on Hannity and the other shows bragging about how he feels great and the masks gave it to him is a tell.

I don’t think he’s playing at anything, I think he is just dumb. The thing that really sucks is that if he doesn’t develop severe symptoms or die, he’s going to earnestly claim that the treatment worked, and people will believe him

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Nah, man. He’s just dumb. It doesn’t need to be some act, Fox will put on any rube who will affirm their narrative. In this case it’s a dumb fucking congressman, so it’s even better.

The only part that makes me think you are wrong is how he is acting. Spiking the football on day 1 when the disease routinely kills people your age weeks down the road seems odd to me. Maybe he is just a useful moron though. I will agree that is a pretty likely possibility.

The demon sperm doctor is certainly a piece of evidence in your favor.

Motivated reasoning is a powerful thing. I think it plays a much bigger role in explaining the actions of politicians than we give credit.

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10K pilgrims max as opposed to 2.5M - and I suspect mask compliance will be 100% (although SAs authoritarian regime should not be celebrated in any way, shape or form)


Not to mention the whole thing is just as dumb as people getting exposed going to church. On the list of essential services worth risking exposure, anything religious, is the absolute last.

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