COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I’m sure there’s other stuff in this guy’s history, but this is a mainstream take of many people in this thread who I sure as hell wouldn’t celebrate the death of, even if I think the take is dumb (and I do think it’s dumb)

meh the flu kills more members of US congress every year


Meh. Criticism accepted. It is on the rude side and may not be to everyone’s taste.

My thought process is that I have no control over this guy living or dying, so posting notice of someone who advocated for poor health policies during a pandemic dying from the deadly disease fits the bill and lying in the bed he made for himself and the rest of us. Pointing that out is fair game to me.

As a human being I feel bad for his family. But I do wonder what Trumpy idiots (anyone that voted against certification of the election fits) did the day RBG died.

There were two camps:

  • Overtly ecstatic and broadcasted it to the world
  • Pretended to be sad, but were clearly ecstatic once you got past the obviously fake concern

I don’t think the death toll was largely preventable. The best case scenario as far as government response was Germany and their cases per capita are half or a third of ours. The majority of the disinformation was generated organically, so unless your “deserves to die” list includes Facebook people, there was always going to be a lot of people who DGAF.

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Turns out @spidercrab that we have similar thoughts on the subject?

I can understand the urge to feel good about certain people dying, but I think that urge is bad, and I actively try to avoid that line of thinking. And I think it’s completely distasteful to label people WINNAR when they die, like it’s all a big internet joke.

Maybe I’m misinterpreting your point?

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I’d put the level of evidence here as anecdotal. The basic idea is that if we make it difficult, but not impossible to multiply, we are selecting for mutants that can at least partially evade the immune system. It’s much easier to evade monoclonals and convalescent plasma than a fully functional immune system.

But by giving the virus some footholds to hang on to survive increases the odds eventually an accumulation of changes may cause problems long term.

Big debt to the UK and other countries for doing the detective work. Hopefully us colonists will catch up.

No you have it. My line is just in a different place than yours but none of us are innocents.

I don’t remember seeing anybody call out the Cain memes, for instance.


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In other words, someone like Merkel: thoughtful but center-right.

So Obama with an R next to his name?

No. Obama is center-left.

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Honestly things probably would have been worse if Republicans still controlled the Senate as there would have been almost zero financial help.

If democrats controlled all three branches I dunno. I could see right wing media playing this as the deadliest plague of all time to attack the Democratic president and would have been railing on how 100k dead was the biggest Presidential failure in history. These people are sheep and would have gone with whatever the right wing media told them. They would have been talking about how there was really 400k dead and democrats were covering it up and it was way more deadly than we let on

The story would have been how they were classifying covid deaths as heart attacks instead of the opposite


I mean remember how much they freaked out over Ebola? Lol. They would have lost their shit over covid under a Democratic president. They would have gone fill lock down wearing hazmat suits


Nah, I should be allowed to lament that COVID killed the wrong Ron Johnson.

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Wuhan lab leak theory ‘extremely unlikely’, says WHO-led team

A theory that the coronavirus leaked from a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan has been discredited as “extremely unlikely” by an international team of investigators.

Peter Ben Embarek, head of a World Health Organization-led mission to the city, said the idea that an incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology was behind an outbreak would not be pursued further.

“The laboratory incident hypothesis is extremely unlikely to explain the introduction of the virus into the human population,” he said during a news conference.

“Therefore is not in the hypotheses that we will suggest for future studies.”

The team has also announced that they had found evidence of the wider circulation of the coronavirus in December 2019 beyond a seafood market where it was reported to have begun.

Link to above…

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The amount of misconceptions combined with the lack of trust in institutions has led to defiance among most people.

Most governments have completely lost the trust of basically everybody. That lack of trust in government has been hastily applied to all institutions regardless of their motives or merits. Nobody knows who to trust and it leads to a bunch of people going, “Fuck it. I’m not wasting another year dealing with this bullshit. I’m gonna live life.”

Anyway, the situation in the Czech Republic has stayed the same for the last 2 weeks or so. It’s not that much worse but the restrictions on movement and all that aren’t stopping this thing. It seems as though they’ve reached their limit of effectiveness. The only way out is the vaccine and the incompetence is extraordinary.

Narrator: And then, they died.