COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I said this a few months back, but I think my mental understanding about humans has been changed forever. The rabbit is out of the hat and there is no putting it back. I severely over estimated how rational and caring my family, friends, and coworkers were.


This was going to be immensely difficult to deal with as a nation regardless. But its the “truth is bullshit and bullshit is truth” faction that makes it so depressing as we look to the future.

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Same. Its easy to avoid people right now, but I don’t really know how I’m going to deal with some people in the future.

As I start to safely return to society and interact with people I care about but who were more reckless during the pandemic, I think I’ll have to keep reminding myself that they just didn’t have the emotional or intellectual ability to fully isolate for a year. Add in the grossly mismanaged response from every authority figure and I should be able to forgive those who I know are otherwise good people. It’s going to be difficult though for sure.


A real government would have gone a long way. The rational policy was so obvious. Lock down, pay people to stay home, contract trace like crazy. We just had the absolute worst guy possible in charge.

That said, I already had a low opinion of humanity, especially Americans, but this has taken my perspective to a whole new level. I have completely written off a third of people and while I don’t actively want bad things to happen to them I view them as barely human.


I think I started saying back in April that it truly has been every man, woman, and child for themselves in the United States. With the government actively spreading disinformation regarding COVID-19, there was nothing that could be done to keep huge swaths of the country from absorbing the propaganda.

Yes, it is each individual’s fault for being too silly to understand what was happening, but alas, the vast majority of those folks have been blissfully plodding along, in many cases enjoying a much higher quality of life than most of us here. They have paid for this with their own personal risk of death, and the death of those who they have been in contact with. C’est la vie.

We were always going to become the crazy ones in Trump’s America. But, there are silly geese in all countries of the world to varying degrees. All we can do is take solace in the fact that we aren’t dead, and we didn’t kill anyone’s parents or grandparents. That others flew closer to the sun and didn’t burn up shouldn’t encourage you to become more reckless; we should feel sympathy for those that are too far gone to moderate their own behaviors. And soon, they’ll be left to infect each other and we will be the ones sipping the nectar of the gods.

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So I was watching Zombieland Double Tap last night. Like a typical zombie movie the humans do something incredibly dumb and arrogant that causes the last zombie attack. Before I would think to myself no way would anyone be dumb enough to do that. This pandemic has actually caused me to go, you know what, I could see humans doing that.




Variants put US in ‘eye of the hurricane’, expert says

The increasing spread of new coronavirus variants has plunged the US back into the “eye of the hurricane”, a disease expert says.

New coronavirus infections have started to decrease in the US, dropping to around 100,000 confirmed cases a day last week.

But with highly transmissible strains of the virus now circulating in the US, one expert has cautioned against complacency.

“I’ve been on Zoom calls for the last two weeks about how we’re going to manage this," Dr Peter Hotez, a professor of virology at Baylor College of Medicine, told CNN. “The big wall is about to hit us again and these are the new variants.”

So far, the US has reported 699 cases of new coronavirus variants, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those, 690 are the strain first detected in the UK.

“This could be really, very dire for our country as we head into the spring,” Hotez said of the variants. “Now, we’re in a race. We’re in a race to see how quickly we can vaccinate the American people.”


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Cuomo just seems like a straight up moron.


Suck it, losers: I’m going to Benihana!


And when/if this is over, whatever that looks like, they’re all going to be saying “We told you so”.


Hahahaha. I absolutely love that they didn’t even bother to come up with some public-health oriented excuse for this. You even have the unexpectedly sharp drop in case numbers that would be a convenient fig-leaf. Nope–it’s just fuck it, New Yorkers won’t tolerate shaky execution while they’re trying to get laid, so restaurants need to iron the kinks out right now!

My home state. Detroit keeps it from being a pure Indiana or Ohio.

Thank you (I think).