COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Yeah Pfizer is supposed to be 7 days, so pretty much full immunity at that point. How the hell did this happen?

They arenā€™t sure yet. There might be the possibility that the PCR test can still detect the virus 6 weeks after an infection. So they are not sure if it is new infection or maybe an old one. I dont really think that the PCR test is the reason. With one resident maybe but 14? If that was the case we would have a lot more people not being cleared from having Covid after 2 weeks. There are some odd cases but not that many at our testing site at least.
From what I read from our nurses they sent people back to work if they are positive but the Cycle Threshold Value (Ct value) is above 35 or so.

As long as itā€™s only mild symptoms for all of them, Iā€™m sleeping well at night.

Get infected during the trip to get the second shot and test poz?

Variance, statistics blah blah blah. Cā€™mon man!

Look, Fat, weā€™re watching the whole world start to get vaccinated at multiple millions per day.

ZOMG, look, one crazy looking outlier among millionsā€¦! Letā€™s analyze and make up theories.


Vaccination hypothetical:

3 households

Household A: Married couple with 2 young kids
Household B: Married couple, high risk wife
Household C: Married couple

Households B and C fully locked down. A less so due to the kids being in a hybrid education scenario.

Husband A, Wife B, Husband C get vaccinated.

After things fully kick in, would the 3 husbands watching a game together be silly?

Not sure which thread to put this in, but my friends that live in Tampa are reporting that things are going fucking crazy right now.

I would do it without much hesitation. But Iā€™m very optimistic about the vaccines preventing the vast majority of transmission. I think weā€™ll find a lot of the fears of significant asymptomatic transmission after the vaccine to just be noise in the fullness of time.

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Tampa stats are going to be crazy. Expect some KC spike as well.

Saw a report that the strip clubs in TB have been packed all week.

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Yeah but they are taking COVID seriously, dancers are mostly dancing back to customer (I wish I was kidding).


Eh, wonā€™t be that surprised if we have to booster to get complete protection from
variants. 14 old home patients catching COVID variant post vaccine with only cold like symptoms not the worst news. Will complicate potential reopening for a bit, but the overall good vaccine news is basically full protection against major symptoms.

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Iā€™d be OK with that if I was in the mix myself.


You should really ask Clovis about swinger-related stuff like this.


If we assume that 30% wont get vaccinated, this means that there will be

250 million adults x .7 = 175 million adults who will get vaccinated x 2 = 350 million doses

42 million does already given. 350 - 42 = 308 million more doses to go.

1.5 million / day means in about 6 months all adults who want the vaccine will be vaccinated.

This ignores the one shot vaccine from Johnson and Johnson.


Very nice article


Step 1ā€“grow E. coli containing DNA plasmids with the DNA version of the sequence. Purify the DNA. DNA is stable, itā€™s possible and necessary to ensure the RNA digesting enzymes are removed at this step. (RNA is highly recycled inside living cells).

Step 2-bio-chemically synthesize the RNA from the DNA via transcription with purified enzymes (which are made in separate fermentation processes). Purify.

Step 3-encase the RNA in fat and final formulation.

And then final QA/QC

Eta: I was pretty messed up for about 8 hours, approximately 12 hours after the shot. Headache, body ache, bad chills. Totally fine now. Moderna


Jealous of the US vaccine rollout

Czech Republic plans to start vaccinating everyone over 60 starting March 1st.

Fully expect that to be another debacle though.

The video of all the super bowl parties makes my blood boil. We live in the stupidest most selfish society in human history.

I get nervous in the god damn grocery store, which I enter only in off peak hours. These assholes belong in jail and DeSantis deserves a far more punitive fate. This shit is killing people and nobody cares.


It really is incredible how there are two very different realities right now. Most of us here have spent a year now without socializing in person or doing any ā€œnormalā€ activities while a huge amount of people carry on like nothing is happening. Itā€™s depressing and infuriating.


The longer it goes, the more I think Im the sucker at the table for caring and acting cautiously. Especially if we fuck up the miracle vaccines.