COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Are all these new variants “SuperCOVID” now?

The actually-rigorous version of the back-of-the-napkin analysis I did last month on superCOVID has arrived:

They come up with a current doubling time of 9.8 days, which is much worse than anything that came out of my numbers.

UK has spotted 12,500 variants but only 4 are deemed superCOVID

The reinfection rate of UK strain (old covid vs new UK variant) is around 0.7% (95% CI 0.6 - 0.8) within 90 days based on a 37,000 sample size, if you can factor that in too (maybe they did)

I’m just using Covid 2.0 for now. As noted previously, the rate of spread and possibly younger demo is the key feature of the “UK” strain and the antigen drift of the “SA” stream seem to be the key features. Reporting on increased morbidity in the press, but seems early as far as hard data.

Clearly the natural selection is towards

-faster spread
-more shedding
-lower virus titer to infect (defeat some mask/distancing)
(These 1st 3 are all interrelated)
-antigen drift

Morbidity should be neutral unless it’s related to shedding(?)

Thankfully recombination events seem rare, so combination of mutations is likely to be from serial occurrence alone the same line, not an individual getting infection w two versions and spitting out a franken-rona variant.

has anyone actually reviewed the sputnik vaccine? isaw the news that it was peer reviewed by a third party, but i couldn’t find an article that is more or less accessible and comprehensive.

Russia’s Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine gives around 92% protection against Covid-19, late stage trial results published in The Lancet reveal.

Is there vaccine tourism yet? Can I go to Russia and pay a few $k for a vaccine? The sucky part is you have to risk flying to get there from the US anyway. Plus that would be a pretty shitty thing to do I guess.

Only to Florida or maybe Arizona

By whom?

So apparently in a old people’s home in Osnabrück, where the residents received their 2nd dose of the Pfizer/Biontech vaccine on January 25th, 14 people tested positive for the british version of Covid-19. Only mild symptoms.


They really need to get someone in there to measure the viral load coming out of these people to see if it’s heavy. Although I guess if we’re all vaccinated and this thing just turns into another cold/flu it’s no big deal.

Well except for all the people who die of the flu every year which none of us new about until last year.

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Yeah driving to AZ to get vaccinated before a teacher = the big slide in Chutes and Ladders.

Thank god I had that game to teach me about karma.

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Interesting find.

This might mean that “all we know about germs” might not apply in this instance as presumably reinfection might eqaute to some of the vaccinated still capable of transmitting (new variants of) covid


I appreciate the sentiment, but the idea that I’ve done something remotely similar to a combat tour in Iraq is ridiculous. I took volunteer only assignments before we had any real idea what was going on, and I’d do that a hundred times before riding a Humvee through fallujah once


I’m hoping this flies under the radar.

I have seen ads months ago for organized round trips to Russia to get the Sputnik vaccine. I don‘t know how legit those were.

They tested positive one week after getting the second dose. I don‘t think full immunity is expected already at this point, is it? Is it also possible that whoever administered the vaccine did a shoddy job?

Well this is terrifying. Isn’t the pfizer vaccine supposed to be full immunity 7 days after the 2nd shot? wtf happened here?