COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Honestly things probably would have been worse if Republicans still controlled the Senate as there would have been almost zero financial help.

If democrats controlled all three branches I dunno. I could see right wing media playing this as the deadliest plague of all time to attack the Democratic president and would have been railing on how 100k dead was the biggest Presidential failure in history. These people are sheep and would have gone with whatever the right wing media told them. They would have been talking about how there was really 400k dead and democrats were covering it up and it was way more deadly than we let on

The story would have been how they were classifying covid deaths as heart attacks instead of the opposite


I mean remember how much they freaked out over Ebola? Lol. They would have lost their shit over covid under a Democratic president. They would have gone fill lock down wearing hazmat suits


Nah, I should be allowed to lament that COVID killed the wrong Ron Johnson.

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Wuhan lab leak theory ‘extremely unlikely’, says WHO-led team

A theory that the coronavirus leaked from a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan has been discredited as “extremely unlikely” by an international team of investigators.

Peter Ben Embarek, head of a World Health Organization-led mission to the city, said the idea that an incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology was behind an outbreak would not be pursued further.

“The laboratory incident hypothesis is extremely unlikely to explain the introduction of the virus into the human population,” he said during a news conference.

“Therefore is not in the hypotheses that we will suggest for future studies.”

The team has also announced that they had found evidence of the wider circulation of the coronavirus in December 2019 beyond a seafood market where it was reported to have begun.

Link to above…

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The amount of misconceptions combined with the lack of trust in institutions has led to defiance among most people.

Most governments have completely lost the trust of basically everybody. That lack of trust in government has been hastily applied to all institutions regardless of their motives or merits. Nobody knows who to trust and it leads to a bunch of people going, “Fuck it. I’m not wasting another year dealing with this bullshit. I’m gonna live life.”

Anyway, the situation in the Czech Republic has stayed the same for the last 2 weeks or so. It’s not that much worse but the restrictions on movement and all that aren’t stopping this thing. It seems as though they’ve reached their limit of effectiveness. The only way out is the vaccine and the incompetence is extraordinary.

Narrator: And then, they died.

As stupid as they are, I get why people in the CR think this way. I would argue that the government has handled this worse than basically anybody else in the world (yes even America).

People here have had their businesses closed for months. Those people don’t have enough to make ends meet and unemployment has increased dramatically since the beginning of the pandemic. The only way they can make ends meet is to open their business illegally.

Sure, others are like Americans and are too selfish or ignorant to wear a mask. But it seems that a good lot of businesses in the states appear to be open with few if any restrictions. So there, it appears more likely to be selfishness.

I’m lucky to be able to work from home. A large portion of people don’t have that opportunity.

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Wasnt feeling great last couple days so decided to get test. I got a test about 4 months ago and it took 2 days to set appointment and 3 days for results. Yesterday I got appointment in 2 hours and preliminary results 2 hours later. I got final results by end of day. Negative.

That’s a pretty impressive improvement over a few months.


More fodder for anti-vaxxers

This article is journalistic malpractice. It’s objectively not news. They literally say so in their own headline.


I think it’s useful to put out a news article that people can link to when someone says on Facebook that they heard a guy collapsed and died a few minutes after leaving a vaccination center.

It’s more useful for people on Facebook to link to so that their friends can hear that a guy collapsed and died a few minutes after leaving a vaccination center. I’m guessing it will be used way more to support this anti-vax view than it will be used to suppress it.

If this whole shit show has taught us anything it is that the “slippery slope” of free speech regulation is absolute bullshit. There is absolutely no benefit to letting people lie to millions of people on TV, twitter, Facebook, etc. There is no slippery slope. Banning, deplatforming, call it censorship, it works.

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I know we’re mostly all liberals here and means testing is a dirty concept, but I’m ok with moron testing the vaccine roll-out right now and saving more doses for those with enough functional intelligence to understand that in populations of tens of millions of elderly folks, lots of them drop dead all the fucking time.

We can go back to trying to reason with those incapable of reasoning once the rest of us have had a go, imo.


I’d probably take it a step further and, once there is ample supply of vaccine, make people responsible for medical bills accrued from COVID if they haven’t already gotten the vaccine. I know it’ll bankrupt a bunch of shitty boomers. Yes the cruelty is the point, what can I say except they’ve inspired the best in me.

Maybe not if you’re black. I can totally understand their total distrust of the medical system… although they’re probably more likely to just get the jab when my policy lands.

I’m okay with rolling it out to blue states first.

About time too…

If you want to be super-depressed, here’s a Frontline documentary

Basically covers what the Chinese government did before information about the virus was made available to the public.

A post about ‘LIBERATE MICHIGAN’ in the Trump thread made me think of this post. While it’s absolutely true that it wouldn’t have been sunshine and daisies if Democrats were in charge, I have to believe that not having the largest twitter influencer in the world tweeting out subversive things about good covid responses had to make some difference.

I read another thing on reddit I think, about how believe that covid was a hoax plummeted after Trump announced he was positive… and immediately rose after he said don’t be afraid of covid.

That shit matters. Lessening the amplitude on those messages would have to make some sort of positive difference, while the amount is obviously impossible to know.


Also in real time covid updates… I’m on shift today and I’ve rarely been more bored. ICU is still over capacity, but not by much. Otherwise the hospital is pretty empty.