You could easily argue that round two is worse.

I think other than a few specific diseases, shouldnā€™t we expect to deal with something better the second time we catch it?

Shit, that sounds like something Iā€™d be willing to quit poker for. Weā€™d just have to call it UP Solutions or something basic. The main problem would be like half of us protesting the other half at all times. Weā€™d constantly be in a state of sit-in.


Surely we could fix that with some polls!


Right but we knew this then, and could have predicted the fallout then. We would have come up with a better strategy and position. Something like, ā€œIf everyone uses homemade masks, theyā€™ll be nearly as effective and youā€™ll save the PPE for the frontline heroes who need it. Weā€™ll ramp up and get enough PPE for everyone within a few weeks, please do your part as Americans and order through this website here that will put you in line for the first batch of consumer PPE.ā€


Literally some places are going to reimagine what school is like and some places wonā€™t change a damn thing. Here theyā€™ve even pondered just putting kids into cohorts and having it fine if theyā€™re in grades 1-7 just to help with tracing and decrease risk of spread.

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Weā€™re not but most people believe that kids are immune and/or immune to serious cases or long term effects. We donā€™t know that yet, at best, but itā€™s commonly accepted as fact. Nobody cares about the teacher/janitor/lunch lady. They pretty much just care about their kids.

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Iā€™d say youā€™re likely right but if we have lingering lung/kidney/etc damage it might further exacerbate that.

The difference in how an expensive private school and a random no funding public school in the South approaches the fall is going to be wild. The education disparities of this period will follow these kids for the rest of their lives.


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And here I thought ā€œeven if it kills meā€ was just an expression.

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Nobody steal this

Edit: damnit UPSolutions and UnstuckSolutions are both taken.

I have been really wanting to go golfing. My brother recently asked me to go. His wife is an icu nurse thats deals with Covid patients, so I have been hesitant to go with him. Solo Iā€™m worried I would get paired up with people which could become a disaster.

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What the heck man? Youā€™ve been holding out this long and youā€™re gonna bail right before everyone realizes ā€œopen for biznassā€ is a huge fail and WAAF? Or are you just trying to time the headlines and get back in in a couple days?

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For sure, and the health disparities that also result from the education and societal disparities. Upper middle class white collar workers work from home and their kids are at lower risk in nicer schools. Poor folks ride public transit to and from work while their kids are in schools taking no precautions. Itā€™s likely going to impact outcomes in American society for 70 years.


UP Your Ass Solutions

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When we made the tee time we insisted on not being paired up with anyone and I was prepared to walk away if it happened. They didnā€™t even charge us extra for separate carts. Some courses are charging $10 extra for that. I probably would be a little nervous to golf with your brother given his wifeā€™s work, but if he was willing to mutually do cloth masks on tees and greens it would probably be safe. It would still be a mental block for me, I think.

Also I tried to wear a surgical mask on the driving range and couldnā€™t do itā€¦ It moved around too much and I couldnā€™t keep my eyes focused and make clean contact. Iā€™m hoping the cloth mask I ordered can work, and I can keep it on my chin and pop it up when Iā€™m close to someone.

At the very least it should work reasonably well on the green. People in other groups or working there may think Iā€™m weird, but fuck them. Iā€™m not trying to have depleted lung capacity in 10 years.

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This. But I kind of feeling like heā€™s pulling a Riverman and if so Iā€™m a winner with Disney puts and long options on the VXX.



One of the things I have learned in life is that people like Unstuckers arenā€™t really that impressiveā€¦ until you compare them to everyone else. Meaning we are ā€œthat smartā€ when you are grading on the curve of humanity.