Ya the weekend data is always a bit wonky. Something to keep an eye on the next few days. Even just having 1100 yesterday and today as their weekend data seems really bad.

There are also a bunch of tiny Texas counties starting to have a large number of new cases in a relative sense each and every day.

You’ve gotta love Abbott. Calling it unacceptable and doing nothing about it at all is insane.


Well thank goodness. Btw do you think the guy on the left is out to himself?

I really hope their technology works by killing 99.9% of people who step inside the church with Trump.


Lead on NBC Nightly news about rising cases. Note that the big growth is age group 18-29 so we do seem to be in two phase mode. People will get fooled that it’s less lethal but if they ain’t careful those same 18-29 demo will kill the olds. And why would we think they’ll be careful.

That church reminds me of WWE using a spray they said would kill coronavirus on contact for 90 days. Who would’ve guessed dopes in denial of the danger presented by the virus would fall for obvious scams.

A Tale of Two States:

Edit: Gov. Grisham, feel free to include this chart in your VP application packet! :smile:


I’m using SC DHEC, which is where Johns Hopkins, etc get their data.

3 weeks ago today we had 500 hospitalizations. (730-500)/21 is about +11 per day which has slowly been increasing (+60 over the past 2 days).

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Top women’s soccer league in the US. Tournament is still scheduled to begin Saturday in Utah.

I’m telling you, if the protests don’t happen, she’s a mortal lock for the VP spot. As it is, it almost has to be Harris or Demings.

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Do you think there’s a way to use this technology inside the body, inside the lungs? I bet nobody has thought of that. The doctors, they tell me it’s incredible how quickly I can grasp this stuff.

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Any option to just refuse? Say “keep me on remote work or fire me?”

I think if you have a doctor’s note listing a pre-existing condition they’ll let you work from home. The ironic thing is the guy who tested positive has only been into the office 2-3 times since we returned–I think he had one of those notes allowing him to work from home.

Keep us updated.


Mississippi blowing up

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With all of the big states crowding the right side, it would be more informative to use the cases/population or cases/population/weighted density for the X-axis and to select the top states. Or maybe add another plot with the weighted data.

Boulder, CO is having a second wave, including my daughter and her friends. She is feeling better already, got tested yesterday, positive result today, and two of her roommates have symptoms. One of the asymptomatic roommates doesn’t want to get tested, because she can’t afford to take time off work. The roommate works at a tanning salon, with lots of old people all the time. No one could have predicted this when all the students flowed back in to party for the summer in packed bars.

The state is starting to tick up in cases as well, but as with many places, deaths are still going down. I’m thinking that we may see an echo wave as these young people infect the more vulnerable, and as the marginally vulnerable get sick of quarantining and see how it’s “not so bad” after all.


Wow I hope your kid’s OK.




Chances are very high that she’ll be fine for now. I just hope for her sake that there are no lasting effects.


Apparently Ethical Skeptic has been calling a hoax this whole time.