More lols…on vacation or looking to emigrate?

Sounds like Suzzer and his car welcome in CN

Americans fined for sneaking into Canada’s Banff National Park

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Alberta, has fined six American nationals who were found sneaking into Banff National Park.

Non-essential travel between the US and Canada is prohibited until 21 July, but some Americans have been allowed to cross the border as long as they are en route to the US state of Alaska, - a more than 1,000 mile (1,600km) drive from Canada’s southern border.

But to be allowed into Canada, Americans must promise to remain in their cars as much as possible, avoid hotels and shops and forgo any unnecessary stops.

The C$1,200 fines ($880, £700) were issued near the Lake Louise area of the park to Americans who had stopped to hike.

It’s not that bad tho.
Statewide we have 10500 hospital beds, and 7150 are used, 730 of which are Covid.

At current rate of increase we are looking at 120 days to overflow assuming no surge and no further canceling of elective procedures.

Called my dad yesterday for father’s day only to find out he’s had a 100-degree temperature and “feeling blah” for the past few days.

He’s getting tested today, and we won’t know until at least tomorrow if he’s got it. I’m terrified and angry at the same time. They both have lots of comorbidities and are stubborn like most boomers, so I know they’ve been going out. They say they “can’t remember” where all they’ve been in the past few weeks, but I know it’s because they just don’t want to admit how lax they’ve gotten. My mother has MS and if my dad has it, there’s no way my mom doesn’t, because she basically has no immune system.

So who knows, I might have to get on a plane to Ohio in the next few days. Or not. I have no idea how to handle this.


I don’t know how you’re doing the math, but I’ve got 12,358 beds, I estimate 75-81% capacity overall - numerous areas appear to be around 77% or higher. With an R0 of 1.75, I’ve got 12-28 days to overflow. 120 seems way off. I don’t buy 730 as covid, some states are only counting confirmed positives, while others are counting confirmed and presumed - which seems to increase the number by about 50%. I’ve got 1280-2048 active cases, a lot within the last week won’t be in hospitals yet, so 730 * 1.5 = 1,095… That seems reasonable.

Harris Co., TX (Houston) with 2,000 new cases on a Sunday. Not good.

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Louisiana extends phase 2 for another month. I guarantee if we elected some Trump clown like we almost did that we would be fully open right now. It has spread fully throughout the whole state at this point and New Orleans’ numbers are pretty low, might make it easier to justify to state congressmen out in the sticks that this is needed.

Just to be clear, county level data in Texas seems to lag a day behind on Google, so my update in Houston was through the 20th and did not include the extra 2,000 cases. So yeah, that’s very not good.

Saw a few of you starting to send your kids back to daycare. Wife and I discussed it yesterday and we’re still holding off. We’ve also been regularly discussing if we’re the crazy ones. My county is 250k population, and here’s what the last few weeks have looked like:

Doesn’t seem like much but we’re sort of subscribing to the JohnnyT line of thinking that it’s easier if we keep it up then starting the slow slide of relaxing our family restrictions.

We’re trying to from a “friend group” of people we trust that have been equally locked down so the kids can spend time at others houses a few days a week and we can all get some work done.

We’ve also started the search for a travel trailer. Wife and I are both WFH and summer would be a lot more fun if we could travel a bit, camp at parks that have decent cell coverage, and try to make the best of it. Didn’t realize it, and it makes sense now, but there’s been a huge run on camp trailers. The industry has spiked since the lockdown. We’ll be lucky if we can find one this year :(.


Speaking as someone who is watching how they handle outbreaks in TX here’s what I know: It takes 3-5 days to get your results back here unless your test gets run in a hospital lab basically. Do with this what you will, but it seems obvious to me that the positive count is lagging by several days.

It is sort of in line with their rate of increase though right? They have has a few days of 1k+ in the last few days also.

It is frustrating these red states have purposefully terrible data.

I’m letting my son go to an outdoor skateboarding camp for three hours a day. Not crowded, outdoors, and they’re all wearing masks. Seems pretty safe and we’re desperate to get him into some physical and social activity.

@skydiver8 that sounds frightening and infuriating.


Hey @WichitaDM where did you see the Harris County spike? I’m not seeing it updated yet.

He also kicked people out of the oval office for coughing. It is odd.

It looks like we might hit 30k cases on what has typically been one of the lowest days for reported cases of the week. Seems quite bad. Last Monday there were 20,800. Unless i missed a Monday we have never hit 30k on a Monday.

Of course:

He’s also asking people to wear masks.

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AKA the morgue?


Nah doesn’t count. No care needed for dead people. Fridge and forget.


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That might be ~two days worth of Houston cases going in there. I can’t find it broken down by day, and yesterday they added fewer than 200 in Houston. Still not good, but obviously not nearly as bad.