anyone going to a gym during the pandemic deserves to get it.

The Pump or the Rona?


Anything for the glory of the forum.

Alternately, I can just break into your house. What hours are you usually not home?


Obviously if I get the Rona and die from going to the gym, my DNR will ask the nurse to add more weight to the bar and claim I died attempting a PR


Itā€™s called rakeback. Poker players have been operating like this for years.

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She should be charged with attempted murder.

So pleased (not)

Infected White House aide back at work and pregnant

Katie Miller, the spokeswoman for US Vice-President Mike Pence, is back at work after testing positive for Covid-19 on 8 March.

In a tweet, Miller said she had taken three negative coronavirus tests and announced that she was pregnant, as she thanked her husband and top aide to US President Donald Trump, Stephen Miller.

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The Tampa Bay Rays opened their facility for the players. Only 14 allowed at a time and have to wear a mask except for when exercising. Better they the control group than the Yankees.

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Yep, this is my parents exactly. Deathly afraid and quarantined in their massive house, having my bro deliver groceries to their porch, but convinced we need to open for business.

If itā€™s so fuckinā€™ safe then why donā€™t you do your part to spur the economy by going to restaurants and losing your tens of thousands per year in the casinos??

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Sheā€™s probably a terrible a person and deserves to be with someone like Stephen Miller, but sheā€™s like a million times hotter than what he deserves.


My brother in law is the same way. When his 2 kids came home from college, he made them self quartantine in the basement for 2 weeks before letting them in the rest of the house. Heā€™s 67, diabetic, and makes my sister cut his hair while he bitches on Facebook about the tyranny he faces.


It took Switzerland 55 days to go from its peak active cases (14313) to <5% peak.

It took South Korea 2.5 monts to go from its peak to ~10% peak.

It took Germany 50 days to go from its peak to ~15% peak.

It took Austria 52 day to go from its peak to ~8% peak.

ā€¦and now for something completely different:

More than a million active cases but you are probably safe to go to a gym as long as you use wipes.


I wonder if it gets to the point where the rest of the world self isolates the US til a vaccine is developed.

I donā€™t like how she was treating the dog :frowning:


Three negative tests. Winning!

But how much did she lose? Impregnated by Stephen Miller and thanking him.


G1 coming soon

G7 meeting ā€˜to go ahead at White Houseā€™

The G7 summit of world leaders will still happen ā€œtowards the end of Juneā€ and will take place at the White House in Washington DC despite coronavirus precautions, White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany has said.

She told a briefing that US President Donald Trump sees the summit as a great ā€œexample of reopening in his transition to greatnessā€ - a phrase the Trump administration has used to characterise the reopening of statesā€™ economies.

ā€œWe will protect world leaders who come here just like we protect people at the White House,ā€ McEnany adds.

Two White House staff members have tested positive for the coronavirus. One of them returned to work earlier today.

She still doesnt get it. Not once in the Merc article did she say she was at fault for thinking the leashing rules just didnt fucking apply to her.


Weā€™re absolutely going to be banned from many countries for a long time. As someone who likes traveling internationally, Iā€™m not happy.


You guys always speak so loud too, almost like choir loud.

Youā€™ll be glad of our silent underground transport, post 2020