The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Can’t believe he managed to congratulate himself for the tenth time for cracking 25k.

It makes it more necessary.

At 1,000 deaths a day it would take 1,000 days to get to a million unless there’s some truly bonkers second wave.


Bot missed the first half of tough guy in chief’s pissing and moaning:

What double standard, dumbfuck? One of you is POTUS, the other is some retired guy.

We’re still working on the first wave


“Hope it doesn’t come back in the fall?” Shit bro, it has to fade before it can come back.



It’s not going away over the summer. The only thing currently moderating the spread is our behavior which on net seems to be at a standstill. R<<1 in NY NJ CT MI etc. R~1 many other places with some already >1. And we are only loosening. I think mask wearing is offsetting some of the opening. Temperature some as well. Mass gatherings and regional travel will keep this thing from going down more than 50% and then people will think 1/2! Holy shit we’ve beaten this thing and start heading to the ballpark if allowed.

If you stop the lilly pad growth and clean up half of them over two months but then let them grow again, a day later you’re back to a full pond.

Then we will lock down again. But deaths will get back up to 3,000/day if not more.

If I missed some sarcasm, apologies. Though my rant stands on its own.


Can’t come back if it never leaves.

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DJIA closes at 24,995.

Probably getting another “ZOMG 25 thousand” tweet from Trump tomorrow.


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We got him

fact check: they didn’t have him




Wow Central Park is a lot bigger than I thought. Had no idea it is 2.5 miles by .5 miles

Wonder how Twitter sees this play out… no way trump just ignores this and carrys on. I bet this stuff is gone in a week…

Once Jnr & Co step it up on you’re on God dam platform, what will Jack do?

Let’s start a Boycott twitter right-wing group for funsies

They are in calls right now you just know it.

The murder stuff doesn’t have any fact checks. Only the voting tweet.

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