The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform
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It’s talented software and hardware engineers. No farmer is driving there.

You’ve been very far from fasting for a looooong time.


Yes of course, all 50 states should have had tests for a non-existent virus just sitting around, that’s how these things work.

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all the people at his rallies in february cheering along about how the virus is a democrat hoax and is all overblown hysteria by lamestream media are today in total disbelief that trump isn’t getting the credit for acting so quickly and early that only 100,000 americans have died and that it’s basically over and it’ll be maybe 105, 110k all in


They certainly should have. Thanks Obama…


Many said that 350 million Americans would die and we’re far under that number!!


God it’s going to tilt me so bad when the media starts reporting on the 1.5 to 2 million number as if it’s a valid estimate and not just a number Trump made up to make himself look better.

Trump said 1.5 to 2 million would have died had he not acted quickly. Is he right? The NY Times investigates!

No you dumb motherfuckers. He made it up, you know he did, and any headline outside of “Trump lies about cornavirus numbers” is malfeasance.


Isn’t the 1.5 to 2 million just based off the death rate of 0.5% and the assumption that it would infect everyone?

330 million / 200 = 1.65 million

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Very much doubt this much thought went into it

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Well, yeah, not from him personally. But from someone who did that math and then told him and then he latched onto it. Like how he keeps talking about the 1917 pandemic.

I’m not up on the latest tech, but I think a farmer most likely drove that using GPS guidance.

Either way, this was only made possible because of our great 2nd amendment ensuring this field could be properly guarded. God bless Trump protecting our 2A.

There are tractors that go out and do all that self-driving. I don’t think there’s any way a person laid out that course. Maybe they steered, but not necessarily.

Maybe, I think it’s just as likely that he just made up a big fake number.

I’m not entirely sure he doesn’t know about the correction. I think he’s like wirelessbro in that he delights in feeling smarter than everyone else in the only way dumb people can. He thinks he’s proving a technical point on 1917 vs 1918 in the same way wirelessbro is like yeah but there was that one Confederate family who said they couldn’t pay their rent if they had to give up their property so where’s your racism.

Well he’s not alone.

One person itf was predicting this for the US:

The half-measure approaches that Italy and the US are taking do not work. We’re going to have a million dead when this is over.

I think 1 million dead is still on the table. Especially if it hits hard in the fall.

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Fingers crossed summer reveals the whole thing to be a hoax, eh?