The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

It’s not that Trump made up the 1-2.2 million or whatever it is. That was some projection from somewhere. It’s that he’s bragging about doing literally more than nothing. He’s bragging about doing his job, which he did poorly.

Let’s pretend we’re coherent rationally thinking Trump supporters (I understand that’s an oxymoron) and we’re trying to list the things Trump has done to help with the pandemic, whether through prevention or reaction.

  • He sent a medical ship to NYC.

Is there anything else?

Certainly drawing live to it, as they say, but you wouldn’t predict it.


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DON’T FORGET BRAZIL (just after they peaked to 2nd biggest hotspot)…MEXICO…INFESTED CANADA. Russians still good thou’

No, it’s from 80% or so getting it at a fatality rate of 0.9%. It originally emanates from this Imperial College model report (top of page 7):

In the (unlikely) absence of any control measures or spontaneous changes in individual behaviour, we would expect a peak in mortality (daily deaths) to occur after approximately 3 months (Figure 1A). In such scenarios, given an estimated R0 of 2.4, we predict 81% of the GB and US populations would be infected over the course of the epidemic. Epidemic timings are approximate given the limitations of surveillance data in both countries: The epidemic is predicted to be broader in the US than in GB and to peak slightly later. This is due to the larger geographic scale of the US, resulting in more distinct localised epidemics across states (Figure 1B) than seen across GB. The higher peak in mortality in GB is due to the smaller size of the country and its older population compared with the US. In total, in an unmitigated epidemic, we would predict approximately 510,000 deaths in GB and 2.2 million in the US, not accounting for the potential negative effects of health systems being overwhelmed on mortality.

The lower figure prediction is from page 16:

Perhaps our most significant conclusion is that mitigation is unlikely to be feasible without emergency surge capacity limits of the UK and US healthcare systems being exceeded many times over. In the most effective mitigation strategy examined, which leads to a single, relatively short epidemic (case isolation, household quarantine and social distancing of the elderly), the surge limits for both general ward and ICU beds would be exceeded by at least 8-fold under the more optimistic scenario for critical care requirements that we examined. In addition, even if all patients were able to be treated, we predict there would still be in the order of 250,000 deaths in GB, and 1.1-1.2 million in the US.

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( twitter | raw text )

Live from Trump’s brain

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Utahians legit do not like the guy. That and the overall beauty of the place are two good things I can say for Utah

This is insane

Can’t believe he managed to congratulate himself for the tenth time for cracking 25k.

It makes it more necessary.

At 1,000 deaths a day it would take 1,000 days to get to a million unless there’s some truly bonkers second wave.


Bot missed the first half of tough guy in chief’s pissing and moaning:

What double standard, dumbfuck? One of you is POTUS, the other is some retired guy.

We’re still working on the first wave


“Hope it doesn’t come back in the fall?” Shit bro, it has to fade before it can come back.



It’s not going away over the summer. The only thing currently moderating the spread is our behavior which on net seems to be at a standstill. R<<1 in NY NJ CT MI etc. R~1 many other places with some already >1. And we are only loosening. I think mask wearing is offsetting some of the opening. Temperature some as well. Mass gatherings and regional travel will keep this thing from going down more than 50% and then people will think 1/2! Holy shit we’ve beaten this thing and start heading to the ballpark if allowed.

If you stop the lilly pad growth and clean up half of them over two months but then let them grow again, a day later you’re back to a full pond.

Then we will lock down again. But deaths will get back up to 3,000/day if not more.

If I missed some sarcasm, apologies. Though my rant stands on its own.


Can’t come back if it never leaves.

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DJIA closes at 24,995.

Probably getting another “ZOMG 25 thousand” tweet from Trump tomorrow.