COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

vaccine continues to work


Parents of kids under 5:

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First Vitamin D and Zinc, now this! Yet another thing I’m already doing that it urns out protects me from COVID.


Good to know that I’m protected from covid by accident.


Like the nasty cold with dry cough that lasted 3 weeks I got in Dec. 2019. I’ve always wondered if getting that so close to the outbreak of the pandemic might have given me some protection against covid.

Pro tip: also drink other peoples’ pee for extra protection.


Now this upcoming Garrison sketch I’m actually interested in checking out.


Been awhile since this meme was relevant:


Applying the same ratios to NYC would give you between 3.2M and 4M infected over the last 28 days, or 38-48%.

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Signed up for yet another vaccine trial for my 2 year old thanks to some helpful advice about doing so from a former Unstuck poster. Got a phone call! Got through all the questions and got to the point of where the person was actually going to schedule my 2 year old for an appointment in the Moderna trial next fucking week! Then she was like “oh wait, your kid is 2? Whoopsie doodle, this trial is only for kids UNDER 2.”


We could always try to smuggle ourselves into Cuba. I think they’re vaccinating 2 year olds.

All very true but the US at least has free speech, a free press and due process, all of which are absent in China. That’s pretty significant to me.

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

I work for a rather large grocery company in the south east, I’ve talked about it in previous iterations of this thread before.

We just got an email that starting effective immediately if an associate isn’t vaccinated they must be masked 100% of the time they are indoors.

starting effected 2/9 they have to provide a negative test each week.

that’s a pretty sudden shift for a company of this size (200k+)

I’m sure lots of other company’s are pushing out the same memo today, too. good step, maybe still not enough but it’s a good step.

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“Human rights” is a weird way to put it (since it’s something the USA is and always has been horrible in). But in terms of civil liberties at this moment, the USA is ridiculously better than China.

China has way more restrictive policies than just enforcing confinement for Covid+ people. Try…making it extremely hard to access any fever-reducing medicines, and banning doctors from treating people with fevers, for starters. Oh, and that little enforced confinement applies no matter what–caregiver, cancer patient, whatever. If you test positive, you’d better have your affairs in order. Hence why everyone is frantic to never present a fever, why the government restricts treatment of fevers, etc.

Nobody ITT would rather be in China right now.


Just make sure no one is videotaping.

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

I was going to eat nothing but cuban food in Miami before my trip got cancelled.

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