COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Does this count in the prop bet from earlier?

Hope you’re recovering and getting better.

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I think it does count.

Felt pretty good Saturday. Felt like a bag of shit Sunday.

Looks like some classes are moving to distance learning.

Tomorrow, one of my classes will be completely taught online. Two of my classes will involve half of the class in person and half online (one homeroom is distance, one is at school). The other three will be taught in person.

This school is really doing everything possible to not fully close. But it’s inevitable.

Yesterday’s super spreader event

Saw it as I was on my way back from brunch. Took a couple of pictures. Didn’t understand what was being said due to not speaking Czech but probably basic antivax/mask shit.

I think the question is whether it will mark the end of the epidemic, not whether SARS-COV-2 goes endemic.

General public doesn’t always use endemic according to its precise definition. Most people use it as shorthand for COVID isnt front and center anymore and disease burden isn’t too bad, and that doesn’t really have to be the case. It is very possible that endemic COVID means meaningful public health measures for a long time.

Things seem to be a lot better in small-town northern Germany. Had less than 5% missing.
Unvaxxed students have to do an antigentest every day… Vaxxed students and teachers are encouraged to do so as well. (Test are supplied ba the federal state for free).

Yeah we used to have it that way. But honestly for September and October, there was no COVID testing in schools at all. Only when there was a sharp spike did testing become like that.

Now we’re pretty much trying to stave off full distance learning until it’s absolutely necessary by testing everyone twice a week.

EDIT: Next week, we’re going to once per week testing for all rather than twice a week. Too many positive tests.


My layman understanding is that “endemic” just means it’s normal to find a certain disease in a population. Flu is endemic in human populations, anthrax is endemic in cattle farms, etc. COVID-19 was endemic in bats (or maybe some other animal?) and spilled over into the human population.

Not until Randy and Mickeys wild night in Wuhan.

Coronovirus in general are endemic. This 19 variant is not. It’s certainly not unheard of for an endemic disease to spin off a variant that causes a pandemic (see Influenza, 1918). It’s also possible that humanity creates the conditions (poor sanitation, crowding) for an endemic disease such as plague to become a pandemic.


Novak has rights as an Australian citizen!

Almost up to 2,500 dead/day, 3,000 per day this week could be a real possibility.

If AOC says that covid is over, it’s over.


This shit takes too long. We’re going to be dealing with the Omega variant by the time the Omicron booster is ready for wide release.


This is a good article that seems to support a lot of what @CaffeineNeeded has been saying about “with covid” and “for covid” being meaningless and the potential for health care collapse. Honestly, I thought this might actually have been written by @CaffeineNeeded but I think the location is wrong:

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Looks like we’re gonna be going from 10 to 5 days quarantine in the CR as well. Only applies to asymptomatic carriers of covid-19 obviously. For symptomatic people, quarantine lasts until 2 days after their symptoms subside.

Can’t read it because of paywall, but I was surprised that I had no idea who Craig Spencer was.

I don’t get it (other than villains winning always because $$$). I thought the Tennis Australia guidance on this (allegedly*) contradicts the statement they received from the health minister, i.e., that prior infection in past six months was not grounds for entry. And then this Bogan Trump judge’s quote is wHaT mOrE cOuLd He HaVe DonE??? Also LOL this part:

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In September 2020, researchers studied 52 people who had not yet been vaccinated but who lived with people who had just tested positive for Covid-19.

Half the group went on to get Covid during the 28-day study period and half did not.

A third of the people who did not catch Covid were found to have high levels of specific memory T-cells in their blood.

These were likely to have been created when the body had been infected with another closely-related human coronavirus - most frequently, a common cold, they say.

Researchers accept other variables - such as ventilation and how infectious their household contact was - would have an impact on whether people caught the virus, too.

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