COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Yeah some of it might just be definition. I think that’s plausible but 1) I don’t think we are going to get cases low enough to where mitigation will end in mitigating locales 2) I’m not sure we will get all the way to next winter without a wave. I do think we will likely get a Spring that looks like the the good period last year but beyond that idk, could go a lot of directions

Possibly. But the whole thing seems to be a theoretical model with limited link back to real data. And from my screenshot. He’s saying “we dont know the mean infectious period” like this is unknowable and unknown

As someone who thinks America is pretty terrible, you have some work to show


Cool, still no work shown, and no mention of jman saying “live under” specifically.

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3 or 4 days no symptoms seems fine?

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Goodell called that timeout.

Block 6. 1 time for the LOLZ

Depends on when symptoms or pozzing happened. But likely meets the lolcdc guidelines.

Never heard of them. Really compelling material, bro.

As always, lie about what I said, and then peace out with tail tucked like no one can see through your obvious bullshit. Great stuff.


Looking forward to being called a bully for asking you to support your own claim on the internet.


The US doesn’t really have any legs to stand on when it comes to “human rights”. The prison industrial complex and the exploitation and torture of (but not limited to) non violent drug offenders in this country is abhorrent.

But USA#1 doesn’t force you to confinement if you’re Covid + so yay?

“You live in America but wouldn’t want to live in China? Well, have you considered what America did to Nauru? CHESSMATE LIBTARD!”


Court quashed visa cancellation. I’m unsurprised, our government at all levels is insanely inept

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i thought endemic means it’s no longer possible to contain the disease without inoculation of a vast majority of the population, basically beyond herd immunity.

measles just about requires >99% vaccination, although it’s also about not allowing unvax clusters to exist. polio isn’t eradicated because there are big reservoirs of unvaccinated abroad. coronaviruses can be zoonotic, so i think the hard to accept truth is that eradication of sars-cov-2 is just not possible

Don’t really understand this post. Here’s the definition of endemic:

In epidemiology, an infection is said to be endemic (from Greek ἐν en “in, within” and δῆμος demos “people”) in a population when that infection is constantly maintained at a baseline level in a geographic area without external inputs.

But as I said, influenza and common colds are considered “endemic” even though they are cyclical, so they can’t really be said to maintain a steady baseline. From here:

Once we see a stable level of SARS-CoV-2 transmission indicating a new ‘baseline’ of COVID, we will know the pandemic has ended and the virus is endemic. This will likely include minor seasonal trends as we see now with flu.

Here is what is apparently considered “minor seasonal trends” in Australia:


So like I said, it seems like the definition is pretty flexible. I assume endemicity for COVID will involve steady seasonal patterns rather than random outbreaks.

The idea of eradicating COVID has been ludicrous since at least the emergence of Delta and probably before that.

i am probably contributing with my own confusion, but seasonality is an orthogonal property to endemicity in a population. “constantly maintained at baseline” vs “constant” are clearly causing some confusion in the public discourse.

my point is that, once endemic, it would take near total inoculation to “eradicate” covid, including any animal reservoirs.

it was weird having this thought early in the pandemic, because lots of media focused on maybe we can ride it out and it will go away, whereas it was always ending up endemic once we found cats and mink can carry it.

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40% of one of my classes has tested positive for covid in the last week. Not sure if they got it from each other or if it’s a coincidence. All I know is that it’ll make class almost pointless for a week or so.

I have two normal classes and three wtf am I gonna do in this shit classes today.

EDIT: I had one of those two already.

EDIT 2: Make that two classes with 40% of the students missing. Haven’t even hit the peak of omicron yet either.

EDIT 3: Didn’t see the whole list for that second class. It’s actually almost half empty. Also I’m not supervising them. Would be weird to call it teaching I guess.

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Got my test results just now. 230 AM local time. Positive from my test on 1/4.