COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Just what is your definition of vaccine efficacy here such that refusing to get boosted when 94% effectiveness wanes to 86% effectiveness makes you not an enormous dumbass? Because with the real definition, you sound like an enormous dumbass.


R0 of delta ended up being 5 IIRC. A vaccine with 84% effectiveness at preventing infection would have been enough to achieve herd immunity (would have required 80% of the pop to have some protection, assuming infected would have similar protection levels against re-infection).

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I resumed wearing masks when Omicron started spreading and have been wearing an N95/KN95 ever since. Anyone who held an always wear masks position from Day 1 to today was accepting so little risk in the summer of 2021 that I think they were way off, and anyone who isnā€™t masking now is accepting way more risk than I think is wise. But I think most UPers who arenā€™t masking now understand the risks theyā€™re taking so thatā€™s their business.

Oh and by the way, the study groups on the vaccine were like 3-6 months ahead of us, and they were still being tracked, so we knew the vaccine waned before our personal protection waned one bit.

Hang in there! Hope you feel better soon!

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OK, letā€™s go to the tape.

These arenā€™t the same thing!

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N95 mask isnā€™t sufficient for these past few hours of posts.


lol dude no.

Do you think that 84% efficacy means that 16% of vaccinated people catch covid?

No itā€™s not.

Quote me.

I know you wonā€™t, tho, so here are some actual quotes:

Christ Jesus, why


Consider the lilies of the field
They do not spin
They do not weave N95 masks
But not even Solomon in all his glory was so arrayed as one of these!

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So, do not be anxious about tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be anxious for itself.
Let the dayā€™s own viral load be sufficient for the day.

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I love rockinā€™ tracks like John Coltrane love Naema
Like the student love the teacher
Like the prophet love Khadeja
Like I love my baby features
Like the creator love all creatures


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Nah, Black Star

What is the Black Star?
Is it the cat with the black shades, the black car?
Is it shining from very far, to where you are?
It is commonplace and different
Intimate and distant
Fresher than an infant

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life is too short to argue with someone trying to troll you.

Think Iā€™d rather have covid argue than get in a flame war

Couple day update. Still going fine, just a bit tired.

I think I felt worse before being positive, so its possible I just had it mildly and didnā€™t notice while at work.

My closest co-worker tested positive today, two others in our department/crew tested positive in between. Unsure if I was patient zero for us or another guy from another site (we all share a car when driving from mine-site to the major town to fly back home, plus spend some common minecamp time together (drinking, eating dinner etc).

I get two extra days off to make up my 7 days, thats nice. My actual home set up (me and the girlfriend live together, she has most of the house, I have the master bedroom, ensuite, and one spare room with a small tv, a Nintendo switch, and a chromecast for netflix etcā€¦ Food being delivered by her a few times a day is pretty damn good.

One coworker lives with three others and has to be stuck in his room only. That sucks.


Grunching but it sounds to me like Melkerson is having a prison consultation. Now the question is if heā€™s the prisoner or the consultant/attorney.

Iā€™d put the mask on the sicko and KITN if they pull it down. Keep the air from getting saturated.