COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

lol, you chumps bought ape jpgs right before a monkeypox outbreak. ngmi


By the way, I got shot #4 today. Iā€™m tired and my arm is pretty sore but thatā€™s about it.

just fib a bit to get it?

Yep, checked some boxes online. They didnā€™t ask in person (CVS).

Here in USA#1 no precautions every man for himself, that seemed like the way to go.

Tomorrow is when it will really hit you.

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Hard to argue with that. Been playing with doing that but havenā€™t. Probably should

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This was my experience. Heres to hoping no Covid lumps in your armpits

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Yeah I had a swollen lymph node after shot #1 and it took a long long time to go away. Since then Iā€™ve focused on hydrating like crazy and taking a nap after each shot and itā€™s helped a ton. Iā€™m 56 ounces of Gatorade Zero and 64 ounces of iced green tea in since the shot 9 hours ago, so hopefully that works againā€¦ Iā€™ll try to get some more fluids down and get to bed early tonight.

This is also the first time Iā€™ve had the smaller dose, my first booster was the same full dose of Moderna. My buddy in the same situation had minimal side effects.

4th shot affected me way less than the first three, but those three were all full doses. Definitely seems prudent to get it now if you can. Covid is absolutely rampant.


My 4th was about as bad as 3rd. 1.5 bad days and then back to normal. Like you 3rd was full and 4th was half.

Iā€™m strongly considering getting #5 in 3 months unless I get COVID first. I do mask a lot more than average in public but other than that Iā€™m more or less in YOLO mode now. So, thatā€™s probably happening.

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Nah. I went with the Cuse rationalization and got it the same way he did. Itā€™s trivially easy, if you are so inclined.

So Iā€™m pozzed. Ironically the national Australian election is Saturday and I had to jump through some hoops to vote over the phone but got it through.

No real symptoms. A very mild runny nose last few days (I work on a Gold mine so chalked it up to dust/hayfever) and was positive the day after flying back home (I coughed a few times overnight, GF asked me to test).

Nothing so far. Bit of a bummer timing, I work one week on one week off so burn most of my break with covid.


My parents came for the first time since pre Covid finally feel safer to fly. Andā€¦

Our daughter and them have the FLU.


Been here since Saturday, daughter showed signs on Sunday then my mom on Monday and dad Tuesday. Several neg Covid tests while very symptomatic and Flu has been going around school. When the kid got Covid in Feb she was over it in like 12 hours. Had a fever from this for 4-5 days. Was 103 2 days in a row then down a little and settling at around 100 today.

Somehow wife and I have felt fine :woman_shrugging:

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Similar to Ashley; tested positive today, though the cough is dry and feel fine otherwise. Hope thatā€™s the most of it.
Been the only person masking (KN95) regularly at any group setting. Wife and I work mostly from home. Had a minor cough two days ago. Phlegmy yesterday and tested negative.


The home tests donā€™t expire however I can guarantee that the solution you dip your nose swab into somehow evaporates from a plugged tube so, in the UK (ymmv) where the (was) free tests came in batches of 6, youā€™ll need to pour the remnants of the 6 tubes holding the liquid into one before you have enough solution to perform the one test - like most of my poasts, this message will only make sense when the home tests you hold are older than 10 months (message from the future)

Yes, I do not understand how a sealed tube can lose volminous liquidā€¦ but somehow they do

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this is bad advice, but Iā€™m not too worried about anyone following it.

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