COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Any test kit from any country that has had reagents come unsealed such that evaporation can occur should be discarded.

Combining the lingering liquids from multiple kits is literally the stupidest approach. Not only may some of the reagents have oxidized or otherwise reacted with air, rendering them potentially inert or otherwise inappropriate for the intended reactions, concentration matters a lot in these things. If evaporation has occurred, then the reagents are highly likely to be over-concentrated.

Sorry, CNā€™s post got ping ponged because he made it after I scrolled to the bottom of this thread but before I clicked ā€œSelect all and belowā€ posts.

No, theyā€™re sealed. I did state YMMV and I did state this was a post from your future.

There is no such thing as a sealed tube from which water can evaporate.


Literally his first post back is offering really bad advice, which, fine. Heā€™s not an expert and itā€™s something a layman might think is fine. But when informed by two people who obviously know better, heā€™s going to argueā€¦

And away we go!

Wookie, that may be true for inferior USA test kits, but advanced nations such as the UK have solved this problem.



Go to a red southern state where pharmacies are begging to give them away.

Itā€™s not nearly that hard. He can likely go to most any pharmacy within a 10 min drive and schedule an appointment online for a jab pretty quickly.

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Agree, Iā€™m hopefully getting #4 right after Memorial Day. In my jabbed social circle there is an incredible drop off from people with 2 shots not getting the booster and itā€™s seldom heard that someone is getting #4. Is being vaccinated 2 years ago but ignoring the boosters still helping people?

I pretty confident that it is still helping prevent death or serious illness. However, it might not be doing much to prevent actually getting infected. I can understand not caring too much about just being infected.

The main reason I care is that I really, really hate getting colds. They always make me feel miserable for 1-2 wks. A day or two where I feel kind of shitty and can plan when it happens is preferable to me by far.

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I know several people who have it right now and theyā€™re all sick as hell. I want to avoid it just like I want to avoid the flu.

And these are double vaxxed, but un-boosted people? I also presume that when you say ā€œsick as hellā€ you donā€™t mean they are intubated.

Yeah, Iā€™m just like you in that regard. I hate colds, flus, etc. I donā€™t really give much of a shit about ā€œlong covidā€. Just avoiding the primary illness is more than enough incentive for me.

Vaxxed and boosted. It just reinforces for me that I donā€™t want to get it, at all. Nobody hospitalized but just super sick and miserable.

Know lots of people who are vaccinated+boosted who felt like shit for 1-2 weeks after covid. Like half of the practice I work in has gotten it since January.

Seems like every week now someone I know at work has either come down with covid or is just getting back from it. Two people in my unit missed all of last week because of it, one said he spent 72 straight hours in bed. Universal opinion is 0/10, do not recommend.

When I had it last month, Iā€™d compare it to maybe the worst cold Iā€™ve had in the last ten years. Which is not that bad but not fun at all either. Would probably say it was 11-12 days between the point of ā€œhmm I donā€™t think this is just allergiesā€, and being done coughing up goop.

The important thing to remember, and Iā€™m not suggesting anyone is forgetting, is that all of the above are essentially vaccine success stories since no one died or got hospitalized.

Nevertheless, Iā€™d really like to avoid above scenarios if I can. Every cold I get is worse than the one gman describes. It kind of makes me feel like if I got it sans vaccine, Iā€™d be ded.

Sometimes, though, I think maybe Iā€™d like to get it because maybe it will ā€œsuperboostā€ me or whatever as some reports have suggested. My kids were vaxxed and got it. I get nearly daily emails from their school about kids getting COVID and have been for months. Yet they remain unaffected. Itā€™s possible their immunity will wane as well, so I doubt they will always be invulnerable, but for right now they seem untouchable by COVID.


Thereā€™s also the chance that itā€™ll weaken your immune system for some amount of time against other stuff, like monkeypox. This isnā€™t proven yet, but itā€™s a hypothesis going around that makes sense IMO. I donā€™t know if the likelihood is 10% or 25% or 75%, but itā€™s a risk factor to consider.

Yeah, as I mentioned in the other thread, I donā€™t believe that and Iā€™m not worried about it.

Maybe, Iā€™ll be wrong. But Iā€™m very comfortable in that assessment at this time.