A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

Thank you, Texas Guy, for importing rats into the US, we were having a real shortage of those here.

Yeah, but that was all animal to human and confined in a region where the prairie dogs had been imported. This is far more widespread, making it a lot less likely to be animal-to-human transmission.

We should check to see if these people were all involved in some international rat import/export business. Which is a thing for some reason.

That’d explain no cases in NYC, no need to import them!

Wikipedia claims that the West African variant of Monkeypox was not previously known to be transmitted human-to-human, which definitely suggests that this is a new variant with meaningfully different properties. There’s clearly human-to-human spread, and the fact that they haven’t been able to link any of the various clusters together suggests either asymptomatic spread or spread through casual contact. All seems really bad.

Most of the cases so far are in men who are gay, bisexual or who have sex with men.

I hear 4+ of the cases have no travel history. No pre-symptomatic infection. Travels through mucus so sexual interation is one of the main causes (LDO I’m safe then). Traced in 4 euro countries and the US, any travel history traced back to Nigeria. Doesn’t really come from Monkeys, despite the name (rats, or rodents I think). Another zoonotic though.

False. It’s actually one of the less common causes of spread that had never been blamed for much spread before. It has previously mostly spread by droplets, contact with the lesions (or surfaces they touched), or possibly airborne.

Sexual spread is being blamed now because most of the cases trace through clinics providing care to the LGBTQ community, but it’s possible that’s just how the cases were caught not how they spread.

That’s not known for sure.


Also there’s a thread for this.

What’s the difference between caught and spread? This wouldn’t appear to be a covid like disease where if you have it you don’t know; you have puss filled spots on your arms so it might be easier to spot.

UK has 9 people diagnosed, 5 of which happen to have been in Nigeria beforehand, a large proportion of which are confirmed gay - might have caught byrubbing up against legions, droplets or ‘other activity’ but it doesn’t sound like 50% of them walked by each other in a retail centre.

Eric Feigi-Ding wasn’t considered to be a quality source on anything in this thread FYI, especially covid, maybe he’s got the inside track on monkeypox but I doubt it.

Less of the scaremongering IMO

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: COVID-19: Chapter 10 - We give up

This is really good.

Caught by medical professionals. I should have said identified.

It takes a while to get to that stage.

He’s considered an alarmist but he’s a well credentialed epidemiologist, and he was right to sound the alarm on various aspects of covid. You’ve got to evaluate his takes from the standpoint that he’s going to be towards the pessimistic end of the range, but he’s not making stuff up or out of his element.

This is exactly wrong. Incubation period is 12 days per uptodate.com. Lots of people are asymptomatic too. In previous outbreaks in the USA, fever beat out rash by an average of two days. Since it’s passed by respiratory droplets, it’s perfectly reasonable it could pass beyond then.

I’m just saying, this time let’s blame it on exotic animal importers instead of science bros or gay people.

Just to be safe I’m going to run a load of produce through my dishwasher.

Oh good, Im sure if it comes to it, everybody will be super willing to start wearing masks again

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NYC, come on down…



2022 isn’t 2014. They’re more likely to just blame Fauci and Biden’s Ukrainian biolabs and/or COVID vaccines.

Going to go with blaming Africa

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