COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

If I was your Doc I would recommend amputation. As my kids will tell you I offered to amputate something as a remedy for any injury or illness. Preferably with my circular saw.

None of them ever took me up on it besides Lefty.



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There is a monkeypox outbreak in the UK, Portugal and Spain. CDC is tracking six people in the US who could have been exposed.

The mortality rate in Africa is 1% to 15% depending on strain and quality of care.

No vaccines available yet but smallpox vaccine has 85% efficacy if taken within 3 years.

I shit you not I thought monkeypox was a joke when I saw stuff on medtwitter about it. Had no idea it existed.

Think the last people to get smallpox vaccines in the USA are roughly 55-60 now.

More evidence this is a dog eat dog world and we are just a bad case of fleas.

Thatā€™s a proper name for a virus - Covid sounds pretty friendly next to MonkeyPox.

Obviously I hope nothing comes of this and everything gets contained etc so we donā€™t have to see how brave anti-vaxxers are when confronted with this ā€¦


They will 100% be inoculating themselves with cowpox before they take some newfangled socialist smallpox vaccine.


IIRC the smallpox vaccine is gnarly enough to leave a scarā€¦ or at least it used to be.

My girlfriend got it and she has a scar. Sheā€™s 24 so that was probably ~20 years ago.

IIRC the smallpox vaccine kills like 1 in 1,000 people or something like that.

maybe variolation but no way for vaccination

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i think both smallpox and bcg vaccinations leave a small scar, where they are still administered. some people (me) incorrectly assumed they had both shots if they have a scar from childhood.

I checked, itā€™s 1 in a million not 1 in a thousand.

I got it 20 years ago cause the military thought North Korea was going to unleash a smallpox attack for a few months, can confirm small scar is still on my arm. Itā€™s barely noticeable but if youā€™re looking for it you can see it.

Title of your sex tape


Smallpox immunization is a skin reaction, hence the scar, not injected in the blood stream. I donā€™t remember why.

Literal lol.

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So apparently human to human transmission is relatively slow, and it usually fizzles out unless this is a new strain. That said, itā€™s apparently been circulating for a few years in Nigeria without fizzling out.

At least we have a society primed for collective action based on science!

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How are you feeling @Coasterbrad? Hope youā€™re doing ok!

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Thanks for checking in. Iā€™m doing ok. Cough and runny nose are definitely a lot better but still present. Iā€™ve been falling asleep a lot though, hard to stay awake.

Paxlovid seems to have helped kick the worst of the symptoms pretty quickly. Maybe just coincidental timing. But hoo boy the ā€œpaxlovid mouthā€ is real. Itā€™s this constant chemically taste in your mouth. Not unbearable but quite weird. Apparently the drug is secreted through your saliva glands. Similar sensation to IV solutions or meds that have a taste when pushed, but itā€™s constant.

Work said Iā€™m clear to come back tomorrow, 5 days after first symptoms. Lol thats not happening.


Glad to hear itā€™s stayed minor! Keep an eye out for Paxlovid rebound andā€¦

Lol fuck them