COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

They should have an expiration date on them. I’d go by that.

First batch we got expires next month. Next batch doesn’t expire until spring of 2023.

Doubt the expiration dates on these things if they’re at all like what they mean on medicine stuff in general

You need to go to an indoor concert unmasked ASAP. You wouldn’t want to waste those free rest kits.

sign me up. otherwise i’m just going to go get second booster before eligibilite

My two year old had no energy today and wasn’t eating. Checked temp and running low grade fever. Doctor said bring her in and they did a pcr test. I guess I was expecting same day results but they said 1-3 day turn around. Wife and I tested negative on at home tests. Waiting around to find out just sucks though.


Reminds me of this

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Fuck me.

Just tested positive on an at home test. Sore throat on Friday. Fever and cough Saturday. Runny nose and sneezing started yesterday. Tested negative up until now. Got my 4th vaccine 2 weeks ago so hopefully that keeps me out of the hospital. Guess I need to try to get on paxlovid asap, but its already been 3+ days since first sign of symptoms.

Was really hoping to get through this pandemic without ever catching covid. I am the only person that still masks in every store. One of the few that masks at work. I still care and I still try. Fuck this so much.


@CaffeineNeeded for coaster and future reference for the rest of us, what is the current practice on prescribing the pill? Boosted and mild symptoms and no risk factors = no pill?

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I have a video appt at 1pm with my dr. Will obviously report back with what the course of action is. I’m on an immunosuppressant so that may change things though. Not sure.


This makes absolutely no sense to me but it seems to be legit:

@microbet see this is why u gotta get regular flu vaccines

No evidence one way or another yet. No hard guidelines anymore as it’s more available. It’s a shared decision making area

Good luck.



Serves them right. After, they are full of shit to begin with.

I know it’s no consolation, but if you hadn’t been so diligent you probably would have gotten it sooner when it was more “novel” to your body. Rest up, pound them fluids, and then enjoy your new super powers imo.

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Yup, I’m taking some comfort in that fact. Put myself in the best possible spot to not have a terrible outcome I guess. And glad I got the 4th shot two weeks ago, hopefully had enough time to up my antibody count.


Please tell me that’s real

Unfortunately, 100% of people who believe it’s real are suffering from fact incontinence.

Dr. is putting me on Paxlovid. I thought it was available to anybody now, but apparently its still limited. I qualified because of the autoimmune treatment I’m on. Today is day 5 since the earliest symptom, so hopefully it’s not too late to be helpful.