COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

The various levels of government have spent the last month giving the people of Shanghai the sort of treatment usually reserved for villages in the way of an infrastructure project.

The number of wealthy individuals who kept themselves and their money in China, remaining loyal to nation and party, who now want out forces a response from the government. A huge nationalist push against anyone looking to go abroad can be expected alongside restrictions at the very least.

Chris Van Hollen had a stroke. So thatā€™s two Dem senators this year and the frontrunner to run for the Pennsylvania seat. None are super old, either.

I would imagine they are likely covid related.

I think you have to document that they were COVID positive at some point before you should start to imagine it might be COVID-related. Even then, I think ā€œlikelyā€ is pushing it. Iā€™d be more inclined to think this means that more people suffer from undiagnosed minor strokes and are functional afterwards than I had previously imagined.

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the PA one was afib, very likely not covid.

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I donā€™t know man, pretty sure Fetterman wouldnā€™t lie about having a stroke.

Iā€™ll see myself out.



But I still laughed.

I have a friend who has afib as a result of covid.

Seems like that would be kind of hard to know with certainty. Afib is a very common condition. So it would seem possible that he could have just gotten it after. Perhaps there are some other details in his case to suggest causation.

If there is some study out there that shows a huge increase in the incidence of Afib post-COVID infection, Iā€™d believe it more. Is there one (I have no idea)?

Iā€™m not sure, he told me the doctors were able to tell that there was viral damage and given the timing and knowing that he had a fairly bad (not hospitalized) case of covid, they told him there was about a 99% chance it was caused by COVID.

Heā€™s had a bunch of heart problems post-covid, been in and out of the hospital a couple times a month. Itā€™s been brutal for him.

Well that changes things a bit. Iā€™d file that under:

Bump for @Melkerson. A couple of these would include or describe strokes and ministrokes, I think.

Yeah, that all (mostly the cardiac stuff) suggests that the afib could have been caused by the COVID. Was it definitely cause by COVID? Thatā€™s tough, because establishing causation is tough. But if the docs taking care of him seem to be very confident there was likely causation, that is good enough for me.

From you initial description it wasnā€™t clear that was the case.

Iā€™m not convinced. Issue is that you can run in and out of afib for years without noticing. Could have been a problem for a long time, but add some stress and itā€™s there more often

Nothing to suggest the other afib is caused by Covid.

Got a Moderna booster Friday night that essentially knocked me on my ass all weekend. I also got the shitty side effect that causes swelling in the underarm lymph nodes and those hurt like a motherfucker now.


Yeah those seem to really suck

Iā€™m kinda surprised nobody has anything to say about N. Korea ITT, but I guess thereā€™s not much more to say than yikes.

NK is such an information black hole that thereā€™s not much to meaningfully say. I would guess theyā€™ve had COVID running buck wild for some time.

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More people in NK might die of covid than of starvation during the 1990s famine

Can order another 8 tests for free



I still have test kits from the prior two waves of free govā€™t kits. I assume once the new tests come I should just toss the old ones? Does anyone really know if those tests are still good after a year or more?