COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

Maybe they think you believe in Koch’s first postulate.

I was looking forward to a response and discussion about that, but instead we did part 743 of the Great Unstuck COVID War, so that was fun.

I don’t know about everyone else, but even though I’m not following it closely, I’m quite enjoying the JT, ikes/CN, wookie, et. al. dogpile. I realize this means I’m probably broken in some way, but we are what we are, I guess.

As has been pointed out (by them and others) there is very little true difference of opinion on the important stuff (or at least what I consider the important stuff). Nevertheless I’m entertained.

Does anyone have a link to that post of wookies that’s been plastered about? I suck at the search function and I want to go ahead and look at the context myself the next time I’m bored and have a few minutes to kill.


Thanks, oreo. Much appreciated.

I would appreciate your honest take on it after reading it in context. I think you will find that me and JT have not misrepresented anything at all about the quote, and we have represented it exactly in the context it was written in.

OK, I’ll do it. Not today, but sometime this week.

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You may also want to note the context, like what he’s replying to, and then his own post 2 posts down from the post in question, in order to judge whether anyone is taking it in or out of context.

I’m really gonna sink my teeth into it and go like 50 posts before and 50 posts after. Good enough?

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I think that should cover it with some wiggle room. Definitely covers it going backwards, and I feel like once you get past the post in question plus a few, you’ll be able to tell when you’ve read more than enough.

Well, if it’s in that 100 post range, I’ll have a gander.

Implicit collusion with no need for formal arrangements.

To date, churchill bans for being right despite being attacked by the usual bloodthirsty crew: several

Lol, no.

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Twitter has some anecdotal reinfections within 4-6 weeks and some epi/doctors/scientists argue that the 90 day used for some testing requirements is too long with Omicron, that a mild infection may only protect for 30 days. Will have to see what the data shows, but population immunity waning significantly at six months seems well within the range of outcomes. Obviously not ideal if we get an Omicron wave every three months or w/e, so, hopefully turns out to be longer.

This is why an Omicron booster even in late summer/fall will be very useful.

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Not if we’re factoring in T-cell responses.

Growing numbers of children across the US are living with long Covid.

Dr Carlos Oliveira, paediatric infectious diseases doctor at Yale Medicine, said:

It’s hard for me to say what will happen, but we are preparing for a large wave of kids … because the numbers of adolescents and children who have been infected are so high.

The leader of the far-right wing party here tried to pull off the equivalent of a filibuster at a meeting to expand the pandemic law here in the Czech Republic but could only make it 3 hours.

What a bitch.


Moderna vaxxed people were super susceptible to Omicron infection after six months with no booster and the next potential wave would come with most unboosted further than six months out.

Severity improvement seemed to hold up OK but not perfectly through the Omicron wave. It was much closer to full protection then unvaxxed, but how much natural immunity a mild Omicron infection generated in unvaxxed still tbd.

So I don’t find population being vulnerable to an Omicron wave in six months as implausible.

Sharp rise in reinfections since start of Omicron wave

Official figures on Covid were late to come out on Monday, but the dashboard has been updated now, to include reinfections – or numbers who’ve tested positive twice – going back to the start of the pandemic.

With more variants emerging and more people already infected once, reinfections are becoming more common and the move to include the data was inevitable.

Reinfections for England and Northern Ireland have already been added in, while data for Scotland and Wales will be included in the coming days.

The updated figures show a sharp rise in people who’ve had a second positive test since the start of the Omicron wave in early December – with reinfections now making up one in 10 total infections.

These reinfections are likely to be people who were infected by Alpha or Delta and were then reinfected with the more contagious Omicron.

Reinfections have also added half a million cases to the overall total, or 4%, in England.

These reinfections are based on at least a 90-day gap between positive tests, which will rule out anyone who has been reinfected within a matter of weeks.

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